Siebel eCollaboration Administration Guide > Siebel eCollaboration Architecture > The Agent's Experience of eCollaboration >

Transferring an eCollaboration Session to Another Agent

There are two kinds of collaboration session transfers:

  • Blind transfer. An agent transfers a collaboration session without first conferring with the receiving agent.
  • Consultative transfer. An agent transfers a collaboration session after first conferring with the receiving agent.

When an agent receives a transferred call, it is in Follow-me browsing, whether the session was in Present, Attend, or Follow-me browsing mode when it was transferred. The receiving agent determines the verbal communication mode for the session from the activity type field.

If a transferred session is using Web chat, a separate attachment to the session's activity record is created for each agent's segment of the chat.

To perform a blind transfer of a collaboration session

  1. (Optional) The agent enters into the text input field on the communications toolbar the contact information, such as the phone extension, of the person to whom the agent wants to transfer the collaboration session.
  2. The agent clicks Blind Transfer on the communications toolbar.
  3. If the agent did not specify contact information first, the agent does so now in the pop-up window that appears.

    The session is released immediately.

A consultative transfer is performed differently, depending on the mode of verbal communication.

To perform a consultative transfer of a collaboration session using telephone communication

  1. (Optional) The agent enters into the text input field on the communications toolbar the extension of the person to whom the agent wants to transfer the active phone call.
  2. The agent clicks Consultative Transfer on the communications toolbar.
  3. If the agent did not specify the extension first, the agent does so now in the pop-up window that appears.

    The current session is suspended, and the transfer recipient is dialed.

  4. The agent does one of the following:
    • When the transfer recipient answers and indicates acceptance of the transfer, the transferring agent clicks Consultative Transfer again to complete the transfer and release the session.
    • If the transfer recipient does not accept the transfer, the agent clicks Retrieve Call to retrieve the session.

To perform a consultative transfer of a collaboration session using chat or voice over IP

  1. The agent places a telephone call independently to the person to whom the agent wants to transfer the session to get acceptance for the session, and then ends the consultative call.
  2. (Optional) The agent enters into the text input field on the communications toolbar the contact information, such as the phone extension, of the receiving agent.
  3. The agent clicks Blind Transfer on the communications toolbar.
  4. If the agent did not specify contact information first, the agent does so now in the pop-up window that appears.

    The session is released immediately.

Siebel eCollaboration Administration Guide