Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Sales Volume Planning > Initial SVP Administrator Procedures >

Copying Baseline Information to Additional Fields

You might want to copy baseline information to other fields within your Consumer Sector application.

Copying Baseline Basis Quantity to Baseline Planning Quantity

After adjusting the baseline basis quantity, you can copy the baseline basis quantity to the baseline planning quantity. End users, such as regional sales managers, use the baseline planning quantity as their planning quantity and adjust it to reflect their market expectations for the sales volume planning period.

To copy the Baseline Basis Quantity to the Baseline Planning Quantity

  1. Navigate to the Sales Volume Planning Administration screen.
  2. Click the Copy Actions view tab.
  3. In the Copy Actions form, create a new record.
  4. From the Action Type field drop-down list, select Copy Field.
  5. Complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    The account in the account-product hierarchy that will be used when you are copying from the Baseline Basis field to the Baseline Planning field.


    The desired algorithm; for example, Percentage Change.


    The category in the category-product hierarchy that will be used when you are copying from the Baseline Basis field to the Baseline Planning field. Fill in either the Category field or the Product field.

    Include Skipped

    Check this field to include skipped account-product periods.


    The name of the sales volume plan.


    The desired percentage change from the Baseline Basis field to the Baseline Planning field. You must select Percentage Change in the Algorithm field to perform this action.


    The product in the category-product hierarchy that will be used when you are copying from the Baseline Basis field to the Baseline Planning field. Fill in either the Category field or the Product field.

    Source End Period

    The ending period of the source field.

    Source Field

    The source field that will be copied from; for example, Baseline Basis Quantity.

    Source Start Period

    The starting period of the source field.

    Target End Period

    The ending period of the target field.

    Target Field

    The target field that will be copied to; for example, Baseline Planning Quantity.

    Target Start Period

    The starting period of the target field.

  6. Click Execute Action.

    The status of Pending appears in the Status field.

    NOTE:  If you are preparing sales volume data for multiple periods and want to track the progress of the Copy Field or Copy Product action, click the Sub Actions tab to view the status of all the periods as they get processed.

    After the fields are copied, the Status field changes to Complete and a dialog box appears, confirming that the action was successful.

Copying Baseline Planning Quantity to Baseline Quantity

A baseline quantity is the number of products that would have been sold in the absence of promotional events. After establishing a baseline quantity, key account managers can use this value in conjunction with the Siebel Trade Promotions module to better plan incremental promotional volume at an account. Baseline quantity can also be used to establish and generate volume targets.

To copy the Baseline Planning Quantity to the Baseline Quantity

  1. Navigate to the Sales Volume Planning Administration screen.
  2. Click the Copy Actions view tab.
  3. In the Copy Actions form, create a new record.
  4. From the Action Type field drop-down list, select Copy Field.
  5. Complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    The account in the account-product hierarchy that will be copied.


    The desired algorithm; for example, Percentage Change.


    The category in the category-product hierarchy that will be copied. Fill in either the Category field or the Product field.

    Include Skipped

    Check this field to include skipped account-product periods.


    The name of the sales volume plan.


    The desired percentage change from the Baseline Basis field to the Baseline Planning field. You must select Percentage Change in the Algorithm field to perform this action.


    The product in the category-product hierarchy that will be copied. Fill in either the Category field or the Product field.

    Source End Period

    The ending period of the source field.

    Source Field

    The source field that be will copied from; for example, Baseline Planning Quantity.

    Source Start Period

    The starting period of the source field.

    Target End Period

    The ending period of the target field.

    Target Field

    The target field that will be copied to; for example, Baseline Quantity.

    Target Start Period

    The starting period of the target field.

  6. Click Execute Action.

    The status of Pending appears in the Status field.

    NOTE:  If you are preparing sales volume data for multiple periods and want to track the progress of the Copy Field or Copy Product action, click the Sub Actions tab to view the status of all the periods as they get processed.

    After the fields are copied, the Status field changes to Complete and a dialog box appears, confirming that the action was successful.

Siebel Consumer Sector Guide