A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W



category and account level allocation   1

planning group account team members, adding   1

planning group assortment plans, making visible to   1

planning group assortment plans, removing visibility   1

planning group, adding to   1

planning group, removing   1

Account Allocation Level parameter   1

account buying groups

assigning products   1

account catalogs

defined   1

product categories, assigning to an account   1

reviewed   1

account checkbook

requesting payments by   1

account credit memos, reviewing   1

account deductions

analyzing   1

viewing   1

account distribution list

key account, deleting product   1

key account's distribution list, modifying   1

products, defining for an account distribution list   1

subaccounts, creating and defining   1

unauthorized products, adding to   1

account hierarchies

account hierarchies, creating guidelines   1

account-subaccount relationship, creating   1

account managers

funds, deals, and payments, reviewing   1

funds, reviewing   1

transferring a fund amount   1

account market segments

about and product distribution   1

account plans

adding to account promotions   1

account products

account audit information, reviewing   1

associating with merchandising locations   1

account profile attribute

about using Account Information view to query on   1

account promotions

about   1

accounts, adding to   1

allocated funds, viewing   1

attachments, adding to   1

current plan, adding promotions to   1

note about relationship to corporate promotions   1

objectives, associating   1

retaining when deleting corporate promotions   1

reviewing   1

Account Targeting

about using and example   1

note about updating contents of saved target list   1

note, about importance of database synchronization   1

note, about saving query using keyboard shortcut   1

query, deleting saved predefined query   1

query, making a predefined query public   1

query, refining   1

saving a target list   1

scenario, creating target lists for sales representatives   1

scenario, key account managers creating target lists   1

target list, creating   1

target list, creating based on demographics and assessments   1

target list, creating based on order   1

target list, creating based on store conditions   1

workflow example, administrator procedures   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

account team member

removing yourself from   1

Account type classification, about   1

account-category hierarchies

account and category levels, resetting   1

account subcategory hierarchy, creating   1

account-category hierarchy, creating   1

account-category hierarchy, deleting   1

account-category hierarchy, modifying   1

note about using Aggregate action   1

setting up, about   1

account-category relationships

aggregation, performing   1

building, about and procedure   1

maximizing aggregation performance   1

parallel aggregation processing on multiple servers   1

account-product data

manually entering   1

account-product node

locking manually   1

locking, based on position   1

note, about locking recommendation   1

account-product trees

account-product tree levels, resetting   1

account-product trees locks, resetting   1

locks, populating   1

locks, resetting   1


about   1

Account Allocation Level parameter   1

account hierarchies, about   1

account hierarchies, guidelines for creating   1

account team member, removing yourself from   1

account-subaccount relationship, creating   1

activities, associating with an account   1

adding   1

adding or modifying, about   1

address, associating to an account   1

address, creating for   1

audit information, reviewing   1

categories, about assigning using the Account Category view   1

classification, standard classification examples   1

contacts, associating to an account   1

deleting   1

note, about associating with routes   1

objective, targeting list of accounts to   1

objective, targeting to   1

objectives, reviewing   1

profiling an account   1

promotions, creating for   1

quotes, adding to an account   1

routes, adding to   1

scenario   1

status, viewing   1

supply sources and products, associating   1

supply sources, associating   1

workflow example, administrator procedures   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

Accounts Contact view tab

using to associate contacts to an account   1

accounts Gantt chart, viewing   1

Accounts screen

using to create assortment plan   1

accrual funds

automatically creating accrual funds   1

manually creating accrual funds   1

Acquire Categories action

about running   1


account's objectives, reviewing   1

accounts, associating with   1

objective status, checking   1

objective status, checking using charts   1

objectives, adding to   1

objectives, changing status associated with   1

retail visits, adding activities   1

visits, reviewing prior to visit   1

activity plan

deduction activity plan, creating   1

templates, creating   1

Add button   1


account plans to account promotions   1

account to planning group   1

accounts   1

accounts to routes   1

available activity to retail activity   1

categories and products to assortment plan   1

deductions   1

literature to deductions   1

new retail activity   1

planning group account team members   1

product details to assortment plans   1

products to a promotion   1

products to corporate promotions   1

ship-to-accounts and delivery dates   1

target amounts to assortment plan   1

target units to assortment plan   1

unauthorized products to account's distribution list   1


account, associating an address to   1

account, creating for   1

administrative setup tasks, table of   1

Aggregate action

aggregation, performing   1

note and using   1

parallel aggregation processing on multiple servers   1

performance, improving   1

performing periodic aggregations, about   1

process described   1

target and baselines, about creating tree for   1

Allocate button   1

apparel and footwear

overview   1

Applications Administration Guide

about using for set up tasks   1

Apply button   1

for retail execution   1

trade funds   1

Apply Period button, using   1


creating target list based on   1


associating to inventory locations   1

assortment plans

about   1

account, adding to a planning group   1

account, removing from a planning group   1

Accounts screen, creating an assortment plan from   1

account-specific delivery flow models, creating   1

assortment plan details, modifying   1

Assortments screen, creating an assortment plan from   1

Assortments screen, revising an assortment plan from   1

buying group, finding out if products are ordered from   1

categories and products, adding to   1

categories and products, browsing for   1

category targets, entering   1

consolidated assortment plan, creating   1

corporate delivery flow models, about   1

corporate delivery flow models, creating   1

corporate delivery flow models, preselection of   1

corporate delivery flow models, requirements   1

existing plan, creating based on   1

new planning groups, creating   1

note, about viewing older version of plan   1

Plan flag parent category, deselecting   1

planning group account team members, adding   1

planning group assortment plans, making visible to   1

planning group assortment plans, removing visibility   1

planning group, creating or modifying for   1

planning groups, about   1

product details, adding   1

product prices, changing   1

product, changing delivery period quantity   1

scenarios   1

target amounts, adding to   1

Web, making plans visible on   1

workflow example, administrator maintenance procedures   1

workflow example, administrator procedures   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

Assortments screen

assortment plan, using to create plan   1

assortment plan, using to revise plan   1


account promotions, adding to   1

deduction attachments, creating   1


account audit information, reviewing   1

merchandising audit, performing   1

retail audit, performing   1

Back to top


back office systems

submitting orders   1

baseline basis quantity

copying baseline basis quantity to   1

defined and generating   1

new products, generating for   1

precalculating an adjusted quantity   1

baseline data

Baseline data set   1

baseline planning quantity, copying   1

promoted products, associating with   1

promotion planning controls   1

viewing data, viewing   1

Baseline Data button   1

Baseline Dates user property

about and examples   1

baseline planning

about   1

quantity, modifying   1

baseline quantity

copying baseline planning quantity   1

baseline records

rolling up with a promotion plan   1


reviewing   1

business solutions, table of   1


objectives, described and method   1

product distribution, described and method   1

retail visits, described and method   1

routes, described and method   1

sales volume planning, described and method   1

trade funds, described and method   1

trade promotions, described and method   1

buying groups

about and associating products with   1

creating   1

creating, process overview   1

finding out if products are ordered from   1

member accounts, associating with   1

products, associating with   1

supply sources and products, associating   1

Back to top


Calculate button   1

Calculate Source button   1

Catalogs personalization rule set   1


account, assigning to   1

acquiring   1

assortment plan, adding to   1

assortment plan, browsing for   1

assortment plans, deselecting parent Plan flag   1

category and account level allocation   1

products, associating with   1

products, unadopting   1

queries, executing   1

Categories personalization rule set   1

Category button   1

Category Name

about hyperlinking when hierarchy is present   1

category promotions

simulating   1

category targets

target amounts, adding to an assortment plan   1

target units, adding to an assortment plan   1

category-product hierarchies

categories, acquiring   1

categories, associating products with   1

importing data   1

product, unadopting   1

setting up   1

CG Payment Process

CG Payment business service   1

process of using   1

workflow process, accessing   1

workflow process, executing   1

workflow process, exporting   1

workflow process, importing   1

workflow process, testing   1


requesting payments by   1

child objectives, adding   1

collect payments

reviewing   1

Commit button

objective configurators   1

routes configurators   1

trade promotion, described and method   1

competitor products

allowing for viewing   1

Conduct Retail Visit subprocess

about   1

configuration information

objectives, buttons and methods   1

product distribution, buttons and methods   1

Products button   1

retail visits, buttons and methods   1

routes, buttons and methods   1

sales volume planning, buttons and methods   1

Siebel EIM, configuring for funds   1

trade funds, buttons and methods   1

trade funds. setting user properties   1

trade promotion configurators, buttons and methods   1

trade promotions, user properties   1

consolidated assortment plan

creating   1

consumer sector

apparel and footwear functionality, overview   1

business solutions, table of   1

reports, table of   1

retail specialty, overview   1

screens, described   1

consumer sector funds

CG Payment business service   1

CG Payment Process workflow process, accessing   1

CG Payment Process. exporting workflow process   1

CG Payment Process. importing workflow process   1

CG Payment Process. process of using   1

rolling up paid payments, process of   1

testing workflow process   1

workflow process, executing   1


Consumption data set   1

data, viewing   1


associating accounts to   1

copying data, about   1

corporate delivery flow models

about   1

account-specific delivery flow models, creating   1

creating   1

preselection of   1

preselection requirements   1

corporate promotions

about   1

accounts Gantt chart, viewing accounts   1

adding products   1

creating   1

Gantt chart, viewing in   1

Gantt charts, about   1

Gantt charts, viewing all corporate promotions   1

literature, attaching   1

note, about relationship to account promotions   1

plans Gantt chart, about   1

promoted products, viewing   1

promotions Gantt chart, viewing   1

retaining account promotions when deleting corporate promotions   1

target account lists, committing to a   1

viewing   1

viewing literature   1

Credit Memo Administration view

using to edit or modify memos   1

credit memos

account credit memos, reviewing   1

adding or modifying   1

cycle count, performing   1

Back to top



system administration using local database   1

dates, changing for an objective   1


about   1

closing   1

created for funds, reviewing   1

promoted product, reviewing for   1

promoted products, creating for   1

promotion, creating a deal for   1

promotion, reviewing for   1

reconciling against payments   1

deduction resolution

process overview   1


account credit memos, reviewing   1

account deductions, viewing   1

account's deductions, analyzing   1

activity plan templates, creating   1

adding or editing   1

credit memos, adding or modifying   1

deduction activities, creating   1

deduction activity plans, creating   1

deduction attachments, creating   1

deduction literature, reviewing   1

deduction notes, creating   1

deductions resolution workloads, analyzing   1

generating deductions, process overview   1

invoices, associating or modifying   1

literature, adding to deductions and examples   1

managing HQ deductions scenario   1

occurrence of deductions   1

payments, voiding and canceling   1

promotion deductions, managing business scenario   1

resolving deductions, about   1

resolving HQ deductions, about   1

resolving promotion deductions   1

reviewing, querying, sorting, and assigning   1

splitting deductions, example and procedure   1

types of   1

workflow example, administrator procedures   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

Delete button   1


account-category hierarchy   1

accounts   1

products   1

saved query   1


creating target list based on   1

deposits, recording   1

direct distribution, about   1

distribution codes

Authorized Category Products list, default   1

classification type, about   1

setting up   1

distribution lists

about and distribution methods   1

account's distribution list products, viewing   1

product distribution, example   1

unauthorized products, defined   1

Back to top


eRetail, overview   1

Execute Action button   1

Execute button   1

Back to top


features, new   1

fixed funds

automatically creating fixed funds   1

defined   1

manually creating fixed funds   1

fund payments, reviewing   1


account checkbook, requesting payments by   1

accrual funds, creating automatically   1

accrual funds, creating manually   1

adjustments, creating for a fund   1

CG Payment business service   1

CG Payment Process workflow process, accessing   1

CG Payment Process, exporting workflow process   1

CG Payment Process, importing workflow process   1

CG Payment Process, process of using   1

deals, reviewing created for a fund   1

defined   1

fixed funds, creating automatically   1

fixed funds, creating manually   1

fund amount, transferring   1

fund payments, reviewing   1

fund transfer, approving   1

grandchild fund, adding to   1

methods, invoked in trade funds   1

parent fund, adding child fund   1

payments, submitting   1

plan, about allocating to   1

reviewing funds   1

rolling up paid payments, process of   1

Siebel EIM, configuring for funds   1

testing workflow process   1

user properties, setting for funds   1

workflow process, executing   1

Back to top


Gantt charts

about   1

accounts Gantt chart, viewing   1

corporate promotions, viewing   1

corporate promotions, viewing all   1

plans Gantt chart, viewing   1

promotions Gantt chart, viewing   1

Generate button   1

Generate Trigger component

using to generate triggers   1

grandchild fund, adding to fund   1

Back to top



See Defining the SVP Hierarchy

HQ deductions

about   1

resolving   1

Back to top


importing data, about   1

incremental data set   1

indirect distribution, about   1

Intersection button

objective configurators   1

routes configurators   1

trade promotions, described and method   1

inventory and order management

about   1

billings, reviewing   1

deposits, recording   1

inventory locations, associating assets to   1

retail orders, taking   1

van information, recording   1

van inventory, verifying   1


associating or modifying   1

note, about creating invoices   1

note, about viewing all invoices   1

outstanding, reviewing   1

Back to top


lift factors

about   1

copying a lift factor   1

promotion simulation, viewing lift factors available for   1

List Products button   1


corporate promotion, viewing   1

corporate promotions, attaching to   1

deduction literature, reviewing   1

deductions, adding to and examples   1

local database

system administration using local database   1


associating merchandising locations with account products   1

Lock button   1

locking account-product node

locking, about   1

manually   1

position, based on   1

resetting   1

Back to top


Market segment classification type

about   1

market segmentation, definition   1

marketing administrators

approving a fund transfer   1

Mass Change button

note, about using to change multiple periods   1

sales volume planning   1

member accounts

buying groups, associating with   1

note, about verifying team member inclusion   1

merchandising audit, performing   1

merchandising locations

associating with account products   1

modules and options, about   1

My Routes view

using to schedule visits   1

Back to top


new features   1

notes, creating deduction notes   1

Back to top


objective data set   1


account promotions, associating   1

account, targeting to an objective   1

activities, changing status associated with   1

applying   1

child objectives, adding   1

configuration information   1

dates for an objective, changing   1

objective, creating   1

overview   1

recommended activities, adding   1

reviewing   1

scenario   1

status, checking   1

status, checking using charts   1

store visits, scheduling   1

targeting list of accounts to   1

trade promotions, role in   1

workflow example, administrator procedures   1

workflow example, administrator setup procedures   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

workflow example, maintenance procedures   1

OK button   1

order management

See About Inventory and Order Management


back office systems, submitting orders   1

creating, about   1

delivery dates for each ship-to-accounts, setting up   1

order line item detail records, reviewing   1

order line items, reviewing   1

products, adding to ship-to-accounts   1

quotes, adding to an account   1

quotes, converting to orders   1

scenario   1

shipping addresses, adding   1

size quantities, generating and modifying   1

size quantities, making changes   1

target list, creating based on   1

workflow example, administrator procedures   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

outstanding invoices

reviewing   1

Back to top


parallel aggregation processing

on multiple servers   1

parent fund

adding child fund to parent fund   1

parent-child relationship, creating   1


caution, about using Siebel EIM to update   1

deal, reconciling to the associated payments   1

fund, submitting against   1

record and collect payments, reviewing   1

voiding and canceling   1

percentage basis calculation

in sales volume planning   1

Period field

features that use periods   1

Period Type List of Values

adding values to   1


caution, about conflicting start dates   1

features that use periods   1

Period Type List of Values, adding values to   1

periods, creating   1

season periods, creating   1

period-type aggregation, about   1

personalization attributes, setting up

Account Channel and Product Differentiator attributes, about assigning   1

Account Channel field, about   1

Account Channel field, predefined values   1

personalization rules   1

Product Differentiator field, about   1

product distribution, example   1


features that use periods   1

Plan flag parent category, deselecting   1

planning groups

about using and example   1

account, adding to a planning group   1

account, removing from a planning group   1

assortment plan, creating or modifying   1

creating new planning groups   1

note, about verifying inclusion of team members   1

planning group account team members, adding   1

planning group assortment plans, making visible to   1

planning group assortment plans, removing visibility   1


approval, obtaining for   1

creating a plan   1

new promotion, adding to   1

note about changing plan status   1

overlapping shipment or baseline records, rolling up within plan   1

revising plan   1

submitting plan   1

plans Gantt chart, viewing   1

Policy Manager

about using database triggers   1

product baseline lists

executing queries   1

product details

assortment plan details, modifying   1

assortment plans, adding to   1

buying group, finding out if products are ordered from   1

delivery period quantity, changing   1

product prices, changing   1

product distribution

account catalogs, assigning product categories to   1

account distribution list, creating and define subaccounts   1

account market segments, about   1

buying groups, about and associating products with   1

controlling, about   1

distribution codes, setting up   1

distribution list, about creating   1

distribution list, defining products for   1

distribution list, example   1

distribution lists, about and distribution methods   1

personalization attributes, assigning   1

personalization attributes, example   1

personalization attributes, setting up   1

personalization rules   1

workflow example, administrator procedures   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

Product Explorer, using   1

product hierarchies

importing data   1

product modules and options, about   1


account products, reviewing   1

assigning to buying groups   1

assortment plan, adding to   1

assortment plan, browsing for   1

competitor products, viewing   1

defining products, overview   1

key account distribution list, deleting   1

product catalog, about and sample catalog-category hierarchy   1

Product Explorer, using   1

product lines, creating   1

product record, creating   1

product, associating with a product line   1

sales representative, exchanging products between   1

Sales Volume Planning module, and the account-subcategory hierarchy   1

scenario   1

ship-to-accounts, adding to   1

supply sources and products, associating   1

unauthorized product, defined   1

workflow example, administrator procedures   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

Products button

about   1

trade funds   1

trade promotions, described and method   1

Products personalization rule set   1

promoted products

adding   1

baseline and shipment data, associating with   1

deal, creating for   1

deals, reviewing for   1

promotion planning controls   1

viewing of corporate promotion   1

promotion deductions, resolving   1

promotion plan

rolling up overlapping shipment or baseline records within plan   1

promotion planning controls   1


account promotions, reviewing   1

account, creating for   1

category promotion, simulating   1

corporate promotions, adding products   1

corporate promotions, attaching literature   1

corporate promotions, creating   1

corporate promotions, viewing   1

corporate promotions, viewing in Gantt chart   1

corporate promotions, viewing literature   1

corporate promotions, viewing promoted products   1

deals, about   1

deals, creating a deal for   1

deals, reviewing for a promotion   1

frequently asked questions, trade promotions   1

lift factors, copying   1

lift factors, viewing available for promotion simulation   1

promoted product and categories, about simulating promotions for   1

promoted products, simulating outside a promotion   1

trade promotion scenario   1

types of   1

promotions Gantt chart, viewing   1

Back to top



canceling a query   1

categories and baseline lists, executing in   1

deleting saved predefined query   1

note, about product and store condition versus store condition only   1

predefined query, making public   1

quota data set   1

quotes, complex

back office systems, submitting orders   1

creating, about   1

delivery dates for each ship-to-accounts, setting up   1

order line item detail records, reviewing   1

order line items, reviewing   1

products, adding to ship-to-accounts   1

quotes, adding to an account   1

quotes, converting to orders   1

scenario   1

shipping addresses, adding   1

size quantities, generating and modifying   1

size quantities, making changed   1

workflow example, administrator procedures   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

Back to top


record payments

reviewing   1

Refresh button

sales volume planning   1

trade funds   1

Release Commitments   1

reports, table of   1


account and category levels   1

account-product tree locks   1

resolving deductions

about   1

HQ deductions   1

promotion deductions   1

retail activities

merchandising audit, performing   1

performing, about   1

retail assessments, performing   1

retail audits

about performing   1

retail orders, taking   1

retail specialty area, functionality   1

retail visits

account audit information, reviewing   1

account products, reviewing   1

account promotions, reviewing   1

account's objectives, reviewing   1

activities, adding   1

activities, reviewing prior to visit   1

assessments, performing   1

beginning retail visit   1

configuration information, buttons and methods   1

ending a retail visit   1

merchandising audit, performing   1

planning   1

retail activities, about performing   1

retail audit, performing   1

retail visits, about   1

sales representative, exchanging products between   1

scenario   1

store conditions, reviewing   1

workflow example, end-user procedures   1

return on investment (ROI)

calculation   1

Revise button   1

Route Explorer view

using to add accounts to a route   1


accounts, adding to routes   1

accounts, adding to using the Route Explorer view   1

configuration information, buttons that invoke methods   1

creating routes   1

guidelines for creating routes   1

note, about associating accounts with a route   1

note, about limited duration routes   1

process flow example, end-user procedures   1

scenario, creating routes for retail sales representatives   1

scenario, creating routes that change frequently   1

scenario, retail managers creating routes for sales representatives   1

target lists, assigning to   1

using, about   1

visits, scheduling from the My Routes view   1

Routes Accounts view

using to add account to a route   1

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sales managers

approving a fund transfer   1

sales representatives

exchanging products between   1

sales teams

planning group assortment plans, making visible to   1

planning group assortment plans, removing visibility   1

sales volume planning

account-category hierarchies, about setting up   1

account-product node, locking manually   1

account-product trees locks, populating   1

account-product trees, building   1

account-product trees, maintaining   1

baseline basis quantity, copying baseline basis quantity to   1

baseline basis quantity, defined and generating   1

baseline basis quantity, generating for new products   1

baseline basis quantity, precalculating an adjusted   1

baseline planning quantity, copying to the baseline quantity   1

category and account level allocation   1

category and product baseline lists, executing queries   1

category-product hierarchies, setting up   1

configuration, buttons and methods   1

data, about viewing   1

data, viewing   1

five data sets, about using for forecasting   1

frequently asked questions   1

hierarchy creation and data types   1

importing   1

locking an account-product node based on position   1

locking mechanism, technical overview   1

manually entering   1

percentage basis calculation   1

period-type aggregation   1

planning quantity, locking and modifying   1

quantity, used in context   1

sales volume planning business service, accessing   1

sales volume planning data, manually entering   1

sales volume planning source data, adjusting   1

scenario   1

triggers, generating   1

workflow example, configuration procedures   1

workflow example, end user procedures   1

workflow example, initial administrator procedures   1

workflow example, on-going administrator procedures   1

Workflow Manager, setting up   1

Workflow Monitor Agent component, stopping or restarting   1

workflow processes, importing   1

Sales Volume Planning module

account-subcategory hierarchy, about using with   1

algorithms definitions   1

baseline and target planning process   1

workflow policies, enabling   1

workflow policies, process overview   1

sales volume planning trees

product movement types and tree building   1


note, about using keyboard shortcut or Save Query As dialog   1

target list   1

Schedule - Routes More Info view button   1

Schedule - Target Accounts view button

objective configurators   1

routes configurators   1

screens, described   1

season periods, creating   1


parallel aggregation processing on multiple servers   1

setup tasks

administrative tasks, table of   1

implementation of modules or options, process of   1

Period Type List of Values, adding values to   1

periods, creating   1

season periods, creating   1

Siebel workflow policies, enabling   1

Siebel workflow policies, generating triggers   1

Siebel workflow policies, setting up   1

Siebel workflow process overview   1

Workflow Monitor Agent, starting   1

shared notes, about   1

shipment data

button, described and method   1

promoted products, associating with   1

promotion planning controls   1

shipment data set   1


data, viewing   1

overlapping shipment, rolling up within promotion plan   1


delivery dates, setting up   1

products, adding to ship-to-accounts   1

shipping addresses, adding to a quote   1

Siebel eApparel and Footwear

overview   1

Siebel eBusiness Applications modules

about   1

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager

caution, updating status of the Payment record   1

funds, configuring for   1

Siebel eRetail, overview   1

Siebel Workflow Manager

generating triggers   1

Simulate button

promoted product, described and method   1

trade promotion, described and method   1

size distributions

account-specific size distributions, creating   1

creating   1

defined and example   1

setting up, about   1

size type values and a child LOV, creating   1

size quantities

generating and modifying   1

making changes   1

size scales

creating   1

setting up, about   1

size scale defined and example   1

size type values and a child LOV, creating   1


See Setting Up Sizes, Size Scales, and Size Distributions

Skip All button   1

source data

excluding or skipping   1

splitting deductions

example and procedure   1

store conditions

note, about querying product versus store condition   1

reviewing   1

target list, creating based on   1

store visits, scheduling   1


about SVP adoptees for the parent   1

supply sources

associating with a product   1

SVP Adopt button   1

SVP Adoptee field

about populating automatically   1

system administration

using your local database   1

Back to top



data set   1

data, viewing   1

target account lists

committing to corporate promotion   1

target amounts

assortment plan, adding to   1

target units, adding to an assortment plan   1

target lists

Account Targeting, creating for   1

demographics and assessments, creating based on   1

note about updating contents of saved target list   1

note, about saving query using keyboard shortcut   1

note, about synchronizing with Siebel server   1

orders, creating Account Targeting based on   1

query, refining for Account Targeting   1

routes, assigning to   1

saving a target list   1

store conditions, creating Account Targeting based on   1

target planning process

about   1

target units

adding to assortment plan   1


creating activity plan templates   1

trade funds

account checkbook, requesting payments by   1

accrual funds, creating automatically   1

accrual funds, creating manually   1

adjustments, creating for a fund   1

fixed funds, creating automatically   1

fixed funds, creating manually   1

fund amount, transferring   1

fund payments, reviewing   1

fund transfer, approving   1

fund, defined   1

funds, adding a grandchild fund   1

funds, reviewing   1

methods, invoked in trade funds   1

parent and child funds   1

parent fund, adding child fund to   1

scenario   1

Siebel EIM, configuring for funds   1

user properties, setting for funds   1

trade promotions

frequently asked questions   1

note, about relationship between corporate and account promotions   1

objectives, role of   1

plans, creating   1

promoted products, about promotion simulation   1

promotions, about simulating for products and categories   1

ROI calculation   1

scenario   1

types of   1

Trade Promotions deductions

about   1

trade promotions, configuring

buttons and methods, invoking   1

Products button   1

retaining account promotions when deleting corporate promotions   1

user properties   1

transferring funds

approving fund transfer   1

fund amount, transferring   1


Siebel Workflow Manager, generating in   1

Siebel Workflow Policies, generating in   1

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unadopting a product   1

unauthorized products

account's distribution list, adding to   1

defined   1

Union button

objective configurators   1

routes configurators   1

trade promotions, described and method   1

Unlock button   1

Use Authorized Products Only user property   1

user properties

funds, setting   1

trade promotions   1

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van information, recording   1

van inventory, verifying   1


account's objectives, reviewing   1

activities, reviewing prior to visit   1

retail visit, beginning   1

scheduling visits using the My Routes view   1

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making assortment plans visible on   1


importing process   1

Workflow Manager   1

Workflow Monitor Agent

starting to execute policies   1

stopping or restarting   1

workflow policies

Consumer Sector modules that user workflow policies   1

Sales Volume Planning module, set up process overview   1

triggers, generating in workflow policies   1

Workflow Monitor Agent, starting to execute policies   1

workflow policies, enabling   1


analyzing deductions workloads   1

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Siebel Consumer Sector Guide