Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Trade Promotions > End-User Procedures for Trade Promotions >

Creating Plans

Key account managers can create plans and then create account promotions for their plans. These plans depict aggregate results of the promotions. For each plan, key account managers can also enter an ROI target. After a key account manager has run promotions in a plan, the key account manager can check to see whether the ROI target was met.

NOTE:  Key account managers can also create a plan by copying an existing plan and giving it a new name. This can save considerable time if the plans have similar attributes. When copying a plan, all active discretionary promotions within the plan, as well as their promoted products, are copied.

To create a plan

  1. Navigate to the Plans screen > Plan List view.
  2. Create a new record and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Account for which the plan was created.


    If checked, indicates that the plan is active.

    Actual Base Qty

    Assumed to be equal to the Estimated Baseline Qty.

    Actual Funds

    This calculated field displays the total paid payments for all promotions in the plan.

    Actual Incremental Qty

    This field displays the Actual Total Qty minus the Actual Base Qty.

    Actual ROI

    This calculated field displays the Actual Total Qty divided by the Actual Funds.

    Actual Total Qty

    By default, this field displays the sum of all shipments associated with the promoted products for the plan's promotions.

    Any shipment record can be associated with multiple accounts, periods, or products within the plan.

    Estimated Base Qty

    By default, this field displays the sum of all estimated baselines associated with the promoted products for the plan's promotions.

    Any baseline quantity can be associated with multiple accounts, periods, or products within the plan.

    Estimated Funds

    The amount of the deals that have been allocated for each of the promotions in the plan.

    Estimated Incremental Qty

    This field displays the Total Incremental Qty.

    Estimated ROI

    The value in this field is calculated by dividing the Estimated Total Qty by the Estimated Funds.

    Estimated Total Qty

    The sum of the estimated baseline quantity and the estimated incremental quantity.


    The name of the plan.


    Organization for which the plan was created.


    Time period for which the plan is active.


    Revision number of the plan.


    Status of the plan.


    Target ROI

    Target return on investment.

To add a new promotion to a plan

  1. Navigate to the Plans screen.
  2. Drill down on the Name field hyperlink for a selected plan, and click the Promotions view tab.
  3. In the Promotions list, create a new record and complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in the following table.



    Name given to the promotion by brand or sales management or by the key account manager for discretionary promotions.


    The period of time for which the promotion is valid.

Siebel Consumer Sector Guide