Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Assortment Plans > End-User Procedures for Assortment Plans >

Entering Category Targets

After adding categories and subcategories to an assortment plan, you have the option to enter target units (numbers of products) and target amounts (monetary amounts) for the categories you have selected. Because these two values do not necessarily correlate from season to season and year to year, they are tracked separately. Targets are added at the category and subcategory level, and are automatically rolled up to the target level.

The targets you enter serve as goals to work toward in each category as you continue to work with your customer to finalize the plan units for each product under these categories. After the assortment plan has been approved by the customer, you can compare the target units and target amounts with the plan units and plan amounts. The difference between these values is automatically calculated and displayed in the Variance Units and Variance Amounts fields in the Assortment Plan form. Variance Units show the difference between a manager's Target and a key account manager's Plan.

To add target units to an assortment plan

  1. Navigate to the Assortments screen.
  2. Drill down on the Name field hyperlink for a selected assortment plan, and click the Category targets view tab.
  3. From the Category Targets drop-down list, select Target Units.

    The Category Targets list appears, with all the categories selected for this assortment plan displayed.

  4. Drill down on the Category Name field hyperlink if you want to navigate to a subcategory.
  5. From the Category Targets list, select a category record, and click in the Spread column so that a check mark appears.
  6. Enter a quantity in the Target Units field of the same record.

    The total number of target units for the assortment plan is automatically updated and displayed in the Target Units field in the Assortment Plan form.

  7. Select a delivery flow type for the same record if you want to change the default selection for that category.

    Delivery flow types are created at the corporate level by an administrator. To create account-specific delivery flows, see To create account-specific delivery flow models.

  8. Repeat Step 5 through Step 7 for every category or subcategory for which you want to add targets units.

    NOTE:  When a category hierarchy is present, the Category Name will be hyperlinked in the Categories view. To navigate down the hierarchy, drill down on the Category Name in the Categories view. To navigate up the hierarchy, select "Go Up." from the Categories Menu, or click the "Go Up..." button in the Category Targets view.

  9. Click the Spread Quantity button in the Category Targets list if you want to spread the target units you entered across delivery periods.

    Each delivery period in the season for which you are planning is displayed as a column in the Category Targets list. The target units you entered for each category are calculated based on the delivery flow models previously set up, and the results are displayed in the delivery period columns. You can update these delivery quantities.

To add target amounts to an assortment plan

  1. Navigate to the Assortments screen.
  2. Drill down on the Name field hyperlink for a selected assortment plan, and click the Category Targets view tab.
  3. From the Category Targets drop-down list, select Target Amounts.
  4. Drill down on the Category Name field hyperlink if you want to navigate to a subcategory.
  5. From the Category Targets list, select a category record, and click in the Spread column so that a check mark appears.
  6. Enter a quantity in the Target Amount field of the same record.

    The total target amount for the assortment plan is automatically updated and displayed in the Target Amount field in the Assortment Plan form.

  7. Select a delivery flow type for the same record if you want to change the default selection for that category.
  8. Repeat Step 5 through Step 7 for every category or subcategory for which you want to add targets amounts.

    NOTE:  When a category hierarchy is present, the Category Name will be hyperlinked in the Categories view. To navigate down the hierarchy, drill down on the Category Name in the Categories view. To navigate up the hierarchy, select "Go Up..." from the Categories list Menu, or click the "Go Up..." button in the Category Targets view.

Siebel Consumer Sector Guide