Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Getting Started > Selected Setup Procedures >

Starting Workflow Monitor Agent

You need to start Workflow Monitor Agent to execute your policies. Workflow Monitor Agent checks to see when the conditions of policies are met.

NOTE:  You must use a command prompt to start Workflow Monitor Agent. You cannot start it from the application.

To start Workflow Monitor Agent

  1. Log in as a Siebel Administrator.
  2. Open a DOS command prompt, navigate to \eapps\siebsrvr\bin and execute the following command:

    Srvrmgr / e <Enterprise name> /s <siebel server name> /g <gateway name server> /u <sadmin> /p <password>

  3. Type the following:

    start task for comp workmon with tableownpass='<password>',Actionagent='false',Groupname='CG SVP'

Siebel Consumer Sector Guide