Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Routes > End-User Procedures for Routes >

Assigning Target Lists to Routes

On your local database, you can use account lists created with the Account Targeting feature. After creating and saving a target list, you can optimize the target list by merging (intersecting or combining) it with other target lists. When you have finished merging target lists, you can assign the results to a route. You can also add or delete accounts after assigning the list of accounts to a route.

NOTE:  The Account Targeting module is designed for end users, such as retail sales representatives, who have local data access and are not continuously connected to a network. For more information, see Account Targeting.

To merge a target list

  1. Navigate to the Routes screen.
  2. Drill down on the Route Name field hyperlink for a selected route and click the Target Accounts view tab.
  3. Click the Target Accounts list to activate it.
  4. In the toolbar, click the Apply Target List button, located on the extreme left of the toolbar.

    The Targeting dialog box appears and displays the targeted routes.

  5. Select one or more target lists you want to assign to the route.
  6. If you selected more than one target list, use one of the following methods to merge the lists:
    • Click the Intersection button to retrieve only those accounts common to all the selected target lists. For example, if List 1 contains A, B, and C, and List 2 contains B, C, and D, the resulting list will contain only B and C, which are common to both target lists.
    • Click the Union button to retrieve all accounts from all the selected lists. For example, if List 1 contains A and B, and List 2 contains C and D, the resulting list will contain A, B, C, and D.

      Click OK.

  7. In the toolbar, click the Save Target List button.

    The Save to List dialog box appears with a blank List Name field.

  8. In the List Name field, enter a unique name for the target list, and click Save.

    CAUTION:  If you enter a name already in use, the previously saved target list will be overwritten without warning.

    The target list is saved. You can merge this list with other target lists to optimize your list of accounts.

  9. Repeat Step 4 through Step 8 until you have optimized your target list. You are now ready to assign the target list to a route.

To assign a target list to a route

  1. Navigate to the Routes screen.
  2. Drill down on the Route Name field hyperlink for a selected route, and click the Target Accounts view tab.
  3. In the Target Accounts list, select the accounts that you want to add to a route.
  4. Click Commit.

    The selected accounts are added to a route and appear in the Accounts list.

  5. Fill in the fields for each account you added.

    Some fields are described in Table 22.

Siebel Consumer Sector Guide