Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Routes > End-User Procedures for Routes >

Adding Accounts to Routes

When you have established a route, you can add accounts to it. There is no limit to the number of accounts that can be assigned to one route. Two views are available for adding accounts to routes:

  • Route Accounts. Displays accounts in a list.
  • Route Explorer. Displays routes and accounts in a hierarchical format.

    NOTE:  When you add accounts to a route using the Route Explorer view, the account record can be associated to the route based on a parent/child relationship. When you add accounts to a route using the Route Accounts view, you add an individual account record without needing to understand the accounts relationship with other account records.

Separate procedures are provided in this section for using each of these views.

NOTE:  It is possible to pick any existing account in the database when associating an account with a route. When associating an account with a route, select only those accounts where the owner of the route is represented on the sales team.

To add accounts to a route using the Route Accounts view

  1. Navigate to the Routes screen.
  2. Drill down on the Route Name field hyperlink for a selected Route.
  3. In the Accounts list, add a new record.
  4. Click the Account field select button.

    The Pick Account dialog box appears.

  5. Select an account, and click OK.
  6. Complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in Table 22.

    Table 22.  Selected Fields in the Accounts List

    Call Duration

    The scheduled duration of the account visit.

    Call Time

    The current time. Edit this field to reflect the time when the account is to be visited.

    Offset Day

    Allows you to create routes that span more than one day. It indicates the number of days after the beginning of the route that an account should be visited. For example, if an account is to be visited on the first day of a route, this field should be set to 0. If the account is to be visited on the second day of a route, this field should be set to 1.

    Last Call

    Identifies the date and time of the most recent visit to this account.

  7. Repeat Step 3 through Step 6 to add additional accounts.

To add accounts to a route using the Route Explorer view

  1. Navigate to the Routes screen.
  2. Drill down on the Route Name field hyperlink for a selected route and click the Explorer view tab.
  3. In the Routes explorer tree, click the plus sign (+) next to the folder of the route to which you want to add an account.
  4. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Accounts folder displayed under the route.

    A list of all the accounts assigned to the route you selected appears.

  5. In the Accounts list, add a new record.
  6. Click the Account field select button.
  7. In the Pick Account dialog box, select an account, and click OK.

    Repeat Step 5 through Step 7 for each account you want to add to the route.

  8. Complete the necessary fields.

    Some fields are described in Table 22.

Siebel Consumer Sector Guide