Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Getting Started > Selected Setup Procedures >

Creating Periods

Periods appear in picklists for the end users to populate the Period field in various screens. Table 5 describes how periods are used with the features of Consumer Sector.

Table 5.  Consumer Sector Features That Use Periods

Assortment Plans

Assortment plan amounts can be spread across the delivery periods in the season for which the assortment plan is created. You must first create a series of delivery periods that correspond to the delivery frequencies supported for various customers.

For example, if your company delivers products to certain customers on a weekly basis and delivers to other customer on a monthly basis, you need to create delivery periods to represent each week and periods to represent each month in the season for which assortment plans will be created.

The assortment planning feature also requires Season periods.

Action of periods: Invoke dynamic columns in Assortment Plans, provided the periods fall within the specified season.

Trade Promotions

Periods designate when the promotion will be active (or effective).

Sales Volume Planning

You must create periods to represent the units of time you will be working with in the sales volume planning process. For example, if your company is preparing to perform sales volume planning for the year 2001, and will divide its sales volume estimates into weekly amounts, you should create periods called Week 01 - 2001,
Week 02 - 2001, and so forth through Week 52 - 2001.

Carefully consider the periods you will be creating for Sales Volume Planning.

Sales Volume Period Types cannot be aggregated into each other to aggregate periodic data. For example, period types Week 01, 2001 through Week 04, 2001 cannot be aggregated to create data for Month 01, 2001. Similarly, period types Month 01, 2001 through Month 12, 2001 cannot be aggregated to create data for Year 2001.

The following section describes the procedures for setting up periods for use with Consumer Sector applications.

CAUTION:  Periods are sorted chronologically by their start date. Therefore, you must not create periods that have the same period type and start date.

To create a period

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen > Periods view.
  2. Create a new period definition record.
  3. Select the value in the Type field that corresponds to the unit for time the delivery period spans (such as Week or Month).

    NOTE:  If an appropriate value is not available in the Period Type list of values, you can add it. See Adding Values to the Period Type List of Values for more information.

  4. Select the first and last days of the delivery period in the Start date and End date fields.
  5. Complete the necessary fields.

Creating Season Periods

Assortment plans are effective for specific seasons. Therefore, account managers and marketing administrators must associate the assortment plans they create with a season. Seasonality varies according to product, geography, and other factors. For example, if your company sells products into both the northern and southern hemispheres, you may need to create separate seasons for the two hemispheres. For example, you may create a season named Summer 2000 Apparel—United States and a season named Summer 2000 Apparel—Australia. These two seasons would, of course, span different months.

As another example, a Spring 2000 Apparel season may span different months than a Spring 2000 Footwear season because consumers may purchase different products at different times.

You can create separate, unique season periods to indicate seasonal product availability.

The Assortment Planning feature is preconfigured for the use of seasons, because of the importance of seasonality to the apparel and footwear industry. You must create season periods to make full use of this feature.

To create a season period

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen > Periods view.
  2. Create a new period definition record.
  3. In the Period field, enter the name of the season.
  4. In the Type field, select Season.

    NOTE:  You must select Season as the Period Type. If Season is not available in the Period Type list of values, you must add it. Refer to Adding Values to the Period Type List of Values.

  5. Complete the necessary fields.

Adding Values to the Period Type List of Values

The seed data delivered with Consumer Sector applications includes the Period Type values—Day, Week, Bi-Weekly, Month, Quarter, Half-year, Year, and Season. If you want to create periods for intervals that are not represented by one of these values, you should add a new value. For example, if you want to create half-month periods, you should create a Period Type value named Bi-Monthly.

See Table 5 for additional information about the period Types that are applicable to various features.

The Season Period Type value is required for the creation of seasonal period records. If the Season value is inadvertently deleted from the Period Type list of values in your database, you must restore it.

To add values to the Period Type list of values

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen > List of Values view.
  2. In the Type field, query for PERIOD_TYPE.

    NOTE:  For details on how to query from a multivalue pop-up, see Fundamentals.

  3. Select any of the Period Type records displayed by the query.
  4. Click Menu and choose Copy Record.

    The record is duplicated in the List of Values list.

  5. Select the new record and enter a name in the Display Value field.
  6. In the Order field, enter a number to specify the order in which the value appears in the Period Type list of values.

    NOTE:  Each Period Type record must have a unique Order value.

  7. Complete the necessary fields.

    For detailed information on administration tasks for lists of values, see Applications Administration Guide.

Siebel Consumer Sector Guide