Siebel Consumer Sector Guide > Sales Volume Planning > SVP End User Procedures >

About Category and Account Level Allocation

Category and Account Level Allocation functionality allows users to "push" changes down the Account and Category/Product hierarchies in segments to allow change by subsequent groups of users.

  • Category allocation occurs automatically after changing Baseline records while Account Allocation may be triggered manually in the Sales Volume Planning view or through the Allocate action on the Sales Volume Planning Administration view.
  • Category Level Allocation, also known as Intra-Account allocation, occurs within the category-product structure associated to the specific account that is being modified. When a user makes a change and commits that change by stepping off the record, the change is pushed out through the category-product hierarchy within that account.

There are two methods to trigger Account Level Allocation, depending on how many levels the end user wants to allocate changes:

  • By allocating changes while in the Sales Volume Planning view, the end user may allocate changes down one level of the account hierarchy. As before, category-product changes are allocated within the given account immediately upon stepping off of the record.
  • If changes need to be allocated down multiple levels of the account hierarchy, then use the Sales Volume Planning Administration view and run an Allocate action. For example, if the Vice President of Sales mandates a change in the forecast at the Root Account level that applies to all accounts within the hierarchy, the sales volume planning administrator should run the Allocate action.

    This action pushes changes down the account hierarchy from the selected account to any of the 10 hierarchical levels.

Siebel Consumer Sector Guide