Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications > Configuring the Customer Dashboard >

Creating Customer Dashboard Field Labels

The field labels that appear in the Customer Dashboard are dynamic; they change depending on the data being displayed in the Customer Dashboard. When no data is available for the Customer Dashboard, the labels for the default business component are displayed. The default business component is specified in the Customer Dashboard business service. Contacts has been preconfigured as the default business component for the Customer Dashboard.

The Siebel repository contains placeholder controls, such as Label 1, Label 2, and so on. There are also predefined business service user properties, also named Label 1, Label 2, and so on, that map these placeholder labels to fields on the Customer Dashboard.

If you add additional fields to the Customer Dashboard, you also need to define the labels that will replace placeholder labels at run time. You define the labels by creating an additional applet control for each business component field that you want to display. The naming convention for the applet control identifies it as a Label, and identifies the business component and field that determine when it should be displayed.

This task is a step in the Process for Configuring the Customer Dashboard.

To create an applet control to represent a label

  1. Go to the Persistent Customer Dashboard applet.
  2. Create a new applet control.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name using the word Label, followed by a space, then followed by the business component name and field name separated by a dot.

    For example: Label ServiceRequest.SR Number

  4. In the Caption field, specify the text that you want to appear in the Customer Dashboard.
  5. Repeat this process for each label that you want to display in the Customer Dashboard.
Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications