Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications > Overview of Configuring Siebel Applications > About the Siebel Operating Architecture >

About Configuring Objects for High Interactivity

When configuring applications for deployment in high interactivity mode, consider the following:

  • Browser scripting is fully supported in high interactivity mode.
  • For fields to interpret and display custom HTML, such as a URL entered by the user, the field's Type property must be set to URL. If it is not set to URL, the HTML is presented and interpreted as plain text. For example, if a user typed a URL in a field of type TEXT, the URL would not be recognized as a link to a Web page.
  • You cannot modify the appearance of the rich text editor.
  • You cannot modify the background and text color of list applets.
  • You cannot place method-invoking controls, such as the delete function, on every row in a list. Instead, place a button on the applet that calls the method. The function will act on the selected record.
  • There are cases when an application's configuration file is set to run in high interactivity mode and all the applets in a view are configured to support high interactivity, but the view appears in standard interactivity mode. Reasons this might occur are:
    • One of the applets is in the Query mode. Because high interactivity implicitly supports query operations from the user interface, it does not support the explicit use of the Query mode.
    • One of the applets is in the New mode and uses a New template that is different from the Edit template used in its default mode. This can be avoided by inactivating New templates associated with the applets used in high interactivity applications. The framework will then default to using the Edit template itself to create new records.
    • One of the list applets has multi-row edits or multi-row select enabled.
    • One of the list applets is a hierarchical list applet.
    • The view uses a template that shows applets in a catalog-style layout. None of the employee applications should be using this layout.
    • A combo box picklist uses Long Lists or has an associated pick applet. For example, if you perform an action from a high interactivity applet that causes a pick applet to be displayed, the pick applet will not be in high interactivity mode.
Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications