Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications > Overview of Configuring Siebel Applications > About the Siebel Operating Architecture >

About Calendar Views and Interactivity

Most views in the Siebel applications can display in both the standard interactivity mode and the high interactivity mode. Some calendar views are different: they run in either high interactivity mode or standard interactivity mode, but not both.

For Siebel applications that typically run in high interactivity mode, the seed responsibilities have been set with the high interactivity views and also with those views that can be shared by both high interactivity and standard interactivity modes. For Siebel applications that typically run in standard interactivity mode, the seed responsibilities have been set with the standard interactivity views and with those views that can be shared by both high interactivity and standard interactivity modes, as shown in Table 8.

Table 8.  Application Modes for Calendar Views
View Name
High Interactivity Mode
Standard Interactivity Mode Only
Both Modes

High Interactivity Activity Calendar View




eCalendar Daily View




eCalendar Monthly View




eCalendar Weekly View




eGanttChart View




eCalendar Detail View




eCalendar Detail View With Participants




Calendar Access List View




If you plan to deploy an application that typically runs in high interactivity mode in standard interactivity mode, you need to do the following:

  • Remove any high interactivity-mode calendar views from all user responsibilities.

    For information about modifying responsibilities, see Security Guide for Siebel eBusiness Applications.

  • Add all standard interactivity-mode calendar views to all user responsibilities.
  • Retarget any links to calendar views so that they point to the appropriate standard interactivity-mode calendar views.

On occasions when your site decides to run applications in high interactivity mode for some users and standard interactivity mode simultaneously for other users, you should create two sets of responsibilities: one set for high interactivity mode users and another set for standard interactivity mode users. Then, assign users to the responsibility appropriate for the mode in which they run the application. Under these circumstances, it is recommended that you deactivate links to the calendar views, because the same link cannot point to both a high interactivity view and a standard interactivity view.

Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications