Siebel Connector for SAP R/3 > Installation and Configuration > Siebel Configuration for Standard Integrations >

Adding Integration Administration Data

Integration administration data represents the SAP sales enterprise structure in the Siebel database. An SAP sales area and an SAP plant map to a Siebel organization. An SAP plant has a representation as a specific Inventory Location type in the Siebel application.

You need to add SAP configuration data to your Siebel application. Table 14 contains an SAP Reference column that you can use to find the correct SAP configuration data. This column contains an SAP transaction code where you can view the configuration data and a reference to the SAP Implementation Guide (IMG), where applicable. This information is correct for SAP R/3 4.6C. It may vary in other SAP versions.

Table 14.  Integration Administration Data
SAP Configuration Data
Siebel Integration Application Data
SAP Reference


Organization SAP Plants

SAP transaction OVX6
IMG Section: Enterprise Structure > Assignment > Sales and Distribution > Assign Sales Organization - Distribution Channel-Plant

Sales Area

Organization SAP Sales Area

Sales Organization to Division Codes:
SAP transaction OVXG
IMG Section: Enterprise Structure> Assignment > Sales and Distribution > Setup Sales Areas

To complete the integration administration, do the following:

  • Map SAP sales areas to Siebel organizations
  • Change EAI value maps for reference customers

Mapping SAP Sales Areas

The Business Components used in the Siebel SAP standard integration are enabled for usage in a Multi Organization environment (such as BC Account, Internal Product, Inventory Location, and so on). By default an organization is assigned to those business components. Make sure that the default Siebel organization is synchronized with your SAP sales enterprise structure.

NOTE:  This procedure requires the simultaneous use of the SAP and Siebel applications. The steps in this procedure indicate when to switch applications.

To map SAP Sales Areas to Siebel Organizations

  1. In the Siebel application, navigate to Administration - Integration.
  2. Select SAP Administration.
  3. Select Organization SAP Sales Areas if it is not already selected.

    The following figure shows the SAP Sales Area list with a record selected. Under it is the Organization SAP Sales Areas form showing the details for the selected record, such as Account Name, SAP Sales Organization, SAP Distribution Channel, SAP Division, Address, City, Zip Code, State, Country, Phone #, and Fax #.

    Click for full size image
  4. In SAP, navigate to the SAP Reference listed for Sales Area in Table 14.
  5. In the Siebel application, create one organization for every sales area in SAP.
  6. Create a Siebel name for the organization.

    TIP:   Your Organization name should indicate the Sales Area in SAP by including the ID or text values for the sales organization, distribution channel, and division that are associated to this organization. For example, if you have a sales organization of 0010 (European), a distribution channel of 10 (Retail) and a division of 10 (Hardware), your organization name might be 0010:10:10 or European/Retail/Hardware.

  7. Assign the SAP Sales Organization, SAP Distribution Channel, and SAP Division to the organization.

Name, SAP Sales Organization, SAP Distribution Channel, and SAP Division are required entries and should be unique.

Assigning SAP Plants

The following procedure requires the simultaneous use of both the SAP and Siebel applications. The steps in this procedure indicate when to switch applications.

To assign SAP plants to Siebel organizations

  1. In the Siebel application, navigate to Administration - Integration.
  2. Select Organization SAP Plants.

    The following figure shows the Organizations list with a record selected. Under that is the Organization SAP Plants form and its fields: SAP Plant Name, Location Description, and Inventory Type.

    Click for full size image
  3. In SAP, navigate to the SAP Reference listed for SAP Plants in Table 14.
  4. In the Organization list, select a Siebel organization.
  5. In the Organization SAP Plants list, add a new record for the plant to assign to this organization.
  6. Enter the SAP Plant Name and Location Description fields.

    The Inventory Type field fills in automatically.

    NOTE:  Use identical names for the plant in SAP and the Siebel application.

  7. Repeat for all plants defined in SAP.

Maintaining SAP Reference Customers

You need to update SAP reference customer information. In the Siebel application, a reference customer is required for each of the four predefined account groups Sold-To Party, Ship-To Party, Bill-To Party, and Payer. These customer to account group mappings are defined in the Siebel application as EAI Value Maps. Modify these EAI Value Maps to enter a customer ID from SAP to use as a customer reference. The customer reference ID is then used by the BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1 BAPI in the Account to Customer standard integration as the reference customer for this account group.

To modify EAI Value Maps for reference customers

  1. Navigate to Administration - Integration.
  2. Select EAI Value Maps.

    The following figure shows the EAI Lookup Maps list with its fields: Direction, Type, Siebel Value, External System Value, and Comments.

    Click for full size image
  3. Edit all entries whose Type is SAP Reference Customer.

    There are four entries included as part of your Siebel installation.

  4. In each entry modify the External System Value field to contain the customer ID for your reference customer for this account group.

    The account group name appears in the Siebel Values field.

The current standard integrations also use the EAI Value Map types. Although unlikely, it is possible to update these due to configuration changes in your SAP implementation. You can view these maps by navigating to Integration Administration, selecting EAI Value Maps, and then querying for SAP*.

Siebel Connector for SAP R/3