Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > Customizing the Siebel Data Warehouse > Customization Steps for Siebel Data >

Including a Source Table for Change Capture Process

This procedure applies to Siebel source tables only.

To include a source table for the change capture process

  1. Verify whether the source table is registered in the DAC.
    1. If an entry is not in the DAC, create a new record for the table and assign an image suffix to it.
    2. If the table is registered, make sure there is an image suffix assigned for this table.
  2. If an image suffix does not exist for the source table, assign one.

    The image suffix should be three characters long. The recommended naming convention is to start with C. For example, use C1, C2, CA1, CA2, and so on.

  3. Make sure the image suffix is not used by other tables by querying the tables list in the DAC for that image suffix.

    The DAC client does not validate this information when entering data.

  4. Create Image tables in the Siebel transactional database (OLTP).
    1. Right-click on the table record in the DAC client, and choose Generate Change Capture Scripts.

      This will assist you in creating the image tables, necessary indices, and triggers if you plan on tracking deletes on the transactional database.

    2. Execute these scripts on the transactional database if you have the appropriate permission, otherwise ask the OLTP DBA to create it.
  5. For the task that is created for the extract process, set the Build Image flag to True and select the new table as an auxiliary table or primary table.

    NOTE:  At the end of the change capture process, the DAC creates a view on the actual source table. Use this view as the main source table in all the extract procedures.

Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide