Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > DAC Functional Reference > About the DAC Design View >

About the DAC Execution Plans Tab

The Execution Plans tab displays a list of execution plans in the top pane. This list includes the execution plan name and an Inactive column, which indicates whether the execution plan is active or inactive. Inactive execution plans do not participate in the ETL process.

Table 35 provides a description of the subtabs in the bottom pane.

Table 35.  DAC Execution Plans Subtabs


Allows you to edit the execution plan selected in the top pane.


Displays a description of the execution plan selected in the top pane.

Subject Areas

Displays a list of subject areas associated with the execution plan selected in the top pane.

Database Connections

Displays a list of database connections associated with the execution plan selected in the top pane. In order for a task to participate in the ETL process, the task's source and target must match the list of database connections displayed here. You can inactivate a database connection by selecting the Inactive check box. If you inactivate a database connection, all tasks that read or write to it are eliminated.

Tables (Read Only)

Displays a read-only list of the initial tables that participate in an ETL. For a complete list of tables participating in the ETL, use the Preview functionality.

The list of tables contains the following column headings:

  • Name. Name of the target table.
  • Main Table for Group. If the table is a main table for a table group, the group name is displayed in this column.
  • Table Type. Table type as defined in the table properties.

Preceding Tasks

Displays a list of tasks that must be completed before an ETL is executed.

The list of tasks contains the following column headings:

  • Name. Name of the task.
  • Priority. Indicates the order in which the task runs. If two or more tasks have the same priority, the order occurs randomly.
  • Inactive. Allows you to inactivate a task by selecting the check box.
  • Command. Command associated with the task.

Following Tasks

Displays a list of tasks that must be completed after an ETL is executed.

The list of tasks contains the following column headings:

  • Name. Name of the task.
  • Priority. Indicates the order in which the task runs. If two or more tasks have the same priority, the order occurs randomly.
  • Inactive. Allows you to inactivate a task by selecting the check box.
  • Command. Command associated with the task.

Actions Available

The following actions are available in the top pane toolbar and in the right-click menu when the Executions Plan tab is active.

Preview Command

This command generates a preview of all tasks and their dependencies by reviewing the subject areas, table groups, tables, and tasks. Information provided includes the approximate order in which tasks are executed, a list of source tables, target tables, and tables for which an image will be built. Only the tasks that source or write to database connections as defined in the execution plan are included. For more information about the Preview functionality, see Using the DAC Preview Functionality to View Tasks and Dependencies.

Copy Record

This command creates a copy of the selected execution plan and also copies the references to subject areas and database connections.

Generate Index Scripts Command

This command generates drop index, create index, and analyze table scripts for all the tables that participate in the ETL process. The results are stored in the log\scripts directory. The index scripts are separated by ETL indices and query indices. The DAC server automatically drops and creates indices and analyzes the tables. This option can be turned off by setting the system preferences. It is recommended that this option be turned off only for DB2-390 environments.

Run Now Command

This command submits a request to the DAC server to execute the execution plan. Inactive execution plans are not included in the process.

When an execution plan is run, the following logic is used to identify the tasks that need to be run and their order of execution.

  1. Check on the previous run status.
    1. If the previous run executed a different execution plan from the one currently submitted (either manually or through the scheduler), abort the run.
    2. If the previous run executed is the same as the current execution plan and did not complete, continue from where it left off.
    3. If the previous run has completed, create a new run.
  2. Check resources.
    1. If the DAC server cannot establish connections to the databases defined for that execution plan, abort the run.
    2. If there are no Informatica servers registered, abort the run.
    3. If the Informatica servers are registered and the DAC server is unable to ping them, abort the run.
  3. Select initial tables.
    1. Find all the subject areas.
    2. Find all the table groups that belong the subject areas.
  4. Recursively find all the table groups and their tables with the above list of tables.
  5. Select initial tasks: Find all the tasks that load into the above selected tables. (Tasks whose target table is one of the selected tables and that are non-optional.)
  6. Recursively select all tasks. Depending on the non-optional dependency rules, figure out the prerequisite tasks recursively.
  7. Select optional tasks (with the tasks already chosen).
  8. Select dependencies: Load dependencies and compute for each task the number of all Depends On tasks. This number will be decremented for tasks higher up in the hierarchy as each of the tasks complete. When the number of Depends On tasks reaches zero, the task itself will become eligible to be run.
  9. Identify the task details. Iterate through all the tasks selected, compute the task dependencies.
  10. Identify the list of source tables for change capture and create tasks for change capture and sync for Siebel sources. Iterate through all the tasks and find the primary or auxiliary tables and group them by source database connection.
  11. Execute pre-ETL tasks. If there are errors, stop the run.
  12. Execute the change capture process. If there are errors, stop the process.
  13. Execute the dependency graph. If there are errors, stop all the tasks that depend on the failed tasks. Continue to execute all others, until there are no more to run, and then stop.
  14. Execute the change capture sync process. If there are errors, stop the process.
  15. Execute the post-ETL process. If there are errors, stop the process.
  16. At the end of the ETL process, the DAC server updates refresh timestamps for all source tables (primary or auxiliary) and target tables. The refresh timestamps are the database timestamps. The ETL history timestamps (Start and End timestamps) are the DAC server timestamps.
Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide