Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide > Upgrading Siebel Data Warehouse > Upgrade Requirements for Siebel Data Warehouse 7.7 >

Process of Siebel Data Warehouse Upgrade

To upgrade the Siebel Data Warehouse, the administrator typically performs the following tasks:

Transactional Database Environment (Analytics-Specific) Upgrade

The Siebel eBusiness .sif files are located in the SiebelAnalytics\dwrep directory.

  • If you are upgrading to Analytics 7.7.1 from Analytics 7.5.3, apply SRW_76.sif on the 7.5.3 Siebel transactional database, and then apply SRW_771.sif on the 7.7 Siebel transactional database.
  • If you are upgrading to Analytics 7.7.1 from Analytics 7.7, apply SRW_771.sif on the 7.7 Siebel transactional database.

Additional performance-related .sif files are provided in Technical Note 406, located on SupportWeb.

Siebel Data Warehouse Environment Upgrade

Upgrading the Siebel Data Warehouse environment requires upgrading both the Informatica software and the Informatica repository.

Informatica software upgrade. See documentation from Informatica on how to upgrade to Informatica 6.2.1 and to upgrade your existing repository to Informatica 6.2.1. See Siebel eBusiness Third-Party Bookshelf.

NOTE:  Back up your existing repository before you upgrade.

Informatica repository upgrade. The following is the high-level process to upgrade the Informatica Repository. You must upgrade your software to Informatica 6.2.1, upgrade your current repository to Informatica 6.2.1, and install and configure DAC before you start this process. You also need an additional database for the new Siebel Analytics 7.7 Informatica repository.

  1. Create and configure the new Siebel Analytics 7.7 Informatica repository, using the DAC.
  2. Upgrade any customizations. See Siebel Data Warehouse Upgrade Customizations for information on how to upgrade customizations.

NOTE:  See Installing Siebel Data Warehouse-Related Software on Windows for installing and configuring the DAC and step-by-step instructions to create and configure a new Informatica repository.

Siebel Data Warehouse schema upgrade. Upgrade the 7.5.x Siebel Data Warehouse schema using the ddlimp application.

NOTE:  The ddlsme.ctl file can be found under the dwrep directory and ddlimp under the bin directory as per the internal builds, the structure of the official builds shipped to customers need to be verified.

ddlimp /u database_user /p database_password /c odbc_datasource /f path of ddlsme.ctl file/G SSE_ROLE /R Y /s N /l log file path

For example:

ddlimp /u ORA04521 /p ORA04521 /c qa4e /f C:\upgrade\ddlsme.ctl /G SSE_ROLE /R Y /s N /l C:\upgrade\incaolapcr.log

NOTE:  Use the Merant/DataDirect driver while creating the ODBC data source to be used in ddlimp. You can get the Merant/DataDirect driver when you install Siebel Components like Siebel Server or twsiebel. Use the "/w Y" option, if your database is Unicode.

NOTE:  When creating Unicode tables, you need to use the parameter /Z for DB2 and MSSQL databases, and /W for Oracle databases.

Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide