Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Configuring Siebel Data Quality Matching Server Using SSA >

Example of Mapping SSA Fields to Fields in a Siebel Business Component

This topic provides a sample configuration using the Account business component as an example. Use the following procedure as an example to map SSA fields to fields in a Siebel business component.

To map SSA fields to fields in a Siebel business component

  1. Log in to Siebel Tools.

    For more information about Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools.

  2. Define the deduplication field mappings user properties for the Account business component.
    1. In the Object Explorer, expand the Business Component object.
    2. In the Business Components list, select Account.
    3. In the Object Explorer, click Business Component User Prop.
    4. In the Business Component User Props list, query for SSA DeDuplication Field*, and enter values using the following syntax.
      Property Name

      SSA DeDuplication Field n, where n is a number starting from 1.

      "Vendor Input Field", "Siebel Field"

      NOTE:  You can have more than one field mapping.

TIP:   If you deactivate a field mapping, you may need to shift the remaining fields ahead so that your list of field mappings is sequential. For example, if you deactivate field 2, you may need to change field 3 to field 2, field 4 to field 3, and so on. If you do not shift the remaining fields, the Siebel application recognizes only one field mapping and cannot find field 2 or subsequent fields.

Table 32, Table 33, and Table 34 provide the user property values for the Account, Contact, and List Mgmt Prospective Contact business components, respectively. For information about configuring these properties, see Data Quality Configuration Options.

Table 32 provides the user properties for the Account business component.

Table 32.  Account Business Component User Properties
User Property Name

SSA DeDuplication Field 1

"C", "Name"

SSA DeDuplication Field 2

"Country", "Country"

SSA DeDuplication Field 3

"City", "City"

SSA DeDuplication Field 4

"State", "State"

SSA DeDuplication Field 5

"Z", "Postal Code"

SSA DeDuplication Field 6

"I", "DUNS Number"

SSA DeDuplication Field 7

"A", "Street Address"

1The syntax for the values is: "Vendor Input Field", "Siebel Field".

Table 33 provides the user properties for the Contact business component.

Table 33.  Contact Business Component User Properties
User Property Name

SSA DeDuplication Field 1

"Z", "Postal Code"

SSA DeDuplication Field 2

"T", "Work Phone #"

SSA DeDuplication Field 3

"T", "Cellular Phone #"

SSA DeDuplication Field 4

"I", "Social Security Number"

SSA DeDuplication Field 5

"E", "Email Address"

SSA DeDuplication Field 6

"A", "Street Address"

SSA DeDuplication Field 7

"T", "Home Phone #"

SSA DeDuplication Field 8

"C", "Account"

SSA DeDuplication Field 9

"Last", "Last Name"

SSA DeDuplication Field 10

"First", "First Name"

SSA DeDuplication Field 11

"Middle", "Middle Name"

SSA DeDuplication Field 12

"City", "City"

SSA DeDuplication Field 13

"State", "State"

SSA DeDuplication Field 14

"Country", "Country"

1The syntax for the values is: "Vendor Input Field", "Siebel Field".

Table 34 provides the user properties for the List Mgmt Propitiate Contact business component.

Table 34.  List Mgmt Prospective Contact Business Component User Properties
User Property Name

SSA DeDuplication Field 1

"Last", "Last Name"

SSA DeDuplication Field 2

"First", "First Name"

SSA DeDuplication Field 3

"Middle", "Middle Name"

SSA DeDuplication Field 4

"C", "Account"

SSA DeDuplication Field 5

"A", "Street Address"

SSA DeDuplication Field 6

"City", "City"

SSA DeDuplication Field 7

"State", "State"

SSA DeDuplication Field 8

"Z", "Postal Code"

SSA DeDuplication Field 9

"Country", "Country"

SSA DeDuplication Field 10

"T", "Work Phone #"

SSA DeDuplication Field 11

"T", "Cellular Phone #"

SSA DeDuplication Field 12

"I", "Social Security Number"

SSA DeDuplication Field 13

"E", "Email Address"

SSA DeDuplication Field 14

"T", "Home Phone #"

1The syntax for the values is: "Vendor Input Field", "Siebel Field".

Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide