Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide > Siebel Data Quality Universal Connector >

SDQ Universal Connector Architecture

The Siebel Data Quality (SDQ) Universal Connector uses prebuilt Siebel business services for data cleansing and deduplication. These business services include a generalized adapter that can communicate to an external data quality application through a set of dynamic-link library (DLL) files. For Windows, the DLL files are stored in the \bin\<language> directory in the Siebel Server root directory, where <language> is the appropriate language code (for instance, ENU for American English). For UNIX, the DLL files are stored in the /lib/<language> directory in the Siebel Server installation directory, where <language> is the appropriate language code (for instance, ENU for American English).

NOTE:  If the third-party software does not have multiple-language support, such as is the case with Firstlogic, put the DLL directly under the \bin directory (for Windows) or /lib directory (for UNIX).

The DLL files for Firstlogic are as follows:

  • sdqaddress.dll
  • sdqname.dll
  • sdqmatch.dll

The DLLs for each vendor may be specific to certain platforms or external product versions, so it is important that you confirm with your vendor that you have the correct files installed on your Siebel Server machine.

NOTE:  For customers using the SDQ Universal Connector to integrate with Firstlogic applications, the DLLs for the certified link from Firstlogic are specific to each supported middle-tier OS platform for Siebel applications. It is recommended that you copy the correct DLL versions from the installation DVD for the middle-tier platform you are using to the SDQConnector directory in the Siebel Server root directory.

The SDQ Universal Connector requires that you install third-party applications on each Siebel Server machine that has the object managers enabled for data quality functionality.

Siebel Data Quality Administration Guide