Deployment Planning Guide > Siebel Architecture Overview >

Building Blocks of a Siebel Deployment

Figure 1 shows an example of the elements in a Siebel deployment. A brief description of these elements appears in Table 3.

Specific database and operating system platforms, as well as certain combinations of them, may not be supported by the current release. For a list of all operating system platforms and RDBMS products supported by this release, consult System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Siebel SupportWeb.

Figure 1.  Example of a Siebel Deployment
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Table 3.  Siebel Deployment Elements

Siebel Web Clients

Includes the following client types:

  • Siebel Web Client
  • Siebel Mobile Web Client
  • Siebel Wireless Client
  • Siebel Handheld Client

Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE)

Installed on third-party Web server. Identifies requests for Siebel data and forwards them to the Siebel Servers. Receives data from Siebel Servers and helps format it into Web pages for Siebel clients.

Siebel Load Balancing

The two options for Siebel Server load balancing are Siebel load balancing and third-party HTTP load balancers. Siebel load balancing is part of the Siebel Web Server Extension (SWSE). When you install the SWSE, the installation wizard prompts you for information about configuring load balancing. Figure 1 shows a third-party HTTP load balancer.

Siebel Enterprise Server

A logical grouping of Siebel Servers that connect to one database. Allows management of Siebel Servers as a group.

Siebel Servers

Application servers that provide both user services and batch mode services to Siebel clients.

Siebel Gateway Name Server

Functions as a name server and stores Siebel Server configuration information.

Siebel Database

Stores database records. Includes third-party RDBMS software and Siebel tables, indexes, and seed data.

Siebel File System

Shared file system directory that stores the data and physical files used by Siebel clients and Siebel Enterprise Server.

Siebel deployment

All of the elements required to deploy Siebel applications. This includes the Siebel Enterprise Server, Siebel Servers, Siebel Database, Siebel Gateway Name Server, Siebel Web Server Extension, and related components such as third-party HTTP load balancers.

Siebel Enterprise Integration Management (EIM) and Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (EAI)

Allows import and export of data from other databases to Siebel Database.

Siebel Tools

Provides an object-oriented, Windows-based environment for developing or modifying Siebel applications, business services, and other Siebel objects.

Deployment Planning Guide