Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll > External Business Components >

About Distributed Joins

Just as join objects can be configured in Siebel Tools and represent a 1:1 relationship between tables resident within the Siebel data model, join objects can be configured to represent a 1:1 relationship with tables external to the Siebel database. A distributed join is a 1:1 relationship between tables that spans two relational data sources. This allows a single, logical record to span multiple data sources. In using distributed joins, the join fields are read-only and the join specification can consist only of a single field. This federated field support provides the ability for the Object Manager to perform the cross-database join.

Distributed joins are configured the same as standard joins. The query is distributed when the Data Source child object of the table provides a hint to the OM to federate the query.

Configuring Distributed Joins and Federated Fields

To configure distributed joins, you perform the following high-level tasks.

  • Implement the external data source (similar to what was done for the external business components).

    The Datasource child object of the Table provides a hint to the object manager to federate the query.

  • Create the Join.
  • Add the fields to the business component.

To configure distributed joins and federated fields

  1. Create the Join point to your external table.
  2. Create the Join Specification.

    This is similar to what you would do when creating a standard Siebel join.

  3. Add Field to Business Component.

    Add the fields from the external table to the business component using the join specified.

Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll