Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll > Web Services > Consuming External Web Services Using Siebel Web Services >

Creating an Outbound Web Service Based on a WSDL File

Consumption of external Web Services is accomplished using the WSDL Import Wizard. The following procedure describes how to use this wizard to read an external WSDL document.

Data and methods for an outbound Web Service can be defined by either:

  1. A WDSL file for the external Web Service.


  1. An outbound ASI.

To create an outbound Web Service based on a WSDL file

  1. Start Siebel Tools to create the proxy business service.
  2. Create a new project and lock the project, or lock an existing project.
  3. Choose File > New Object... to display the New Object Wizards.
  4. Select the EAI tab and double-click Web Service.

    The WSDL Import Wizard appears.

    1. Select the Project where you want the objects to be held after they are created from the WSDL document.
    2. Specify the WSDL document that contains the Web Service or Web Services definition that you want to import.
    3. Specify the file where you want to store the run-time data extracted from the WSDL document or accept the default.
    4. Specify the log file where you want errors, warnings, and other information related to the import process to be logged or accept the default.
    5. Click Next to view and verify a summary of your import information.
    6. Click Finish to complete the process of importing the business service into the Siebel repository.

This procedure generates three objects in the Siebel repository:

  • An outbound proxy business service of CSSWSOutboundDisptacher class. This service acts as a client-side implementation of the Web Service and includes the operations and the arguments to the operations defined in the WSDL document.

    NOTE:  For RPC services, the order of input arguments is important. You can set the order through the Preferred Sequence property of the business service method argument in Siebel Tools. By specifying this parameter, the outbound dispatcher makes sure that the sequence parameters for an operation are in the correct order. The Preferred Sequence property is only supported with outbound services.

  • Integration Objects, representing input and output parameters of the service methods, are created if any of the operations require a complex argument (XML Schema) to be passed. If complex arguments are not used by the service, then no integration object definitions will be created.
  • A Web Service administration document (an XML file) containing the run-time Web Service administration data that should be imported into the Siebel Web Client using the Outbound Web Services view of the Administration - Web Services screen.

    The purpose of the document is to allow administrators to modify run-time parameters such as the URL and encoding rules. The data contained within the document is used by the Web Services Dispatcher to assemble the SOAP document, to set any HTTP headers required (for example, soapAction), and to route the request to the correct URL. For details, see To import run-time data about external Web Services.

Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll