Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll > Web Services > About RPC-Literal and DOC-Literal Bindings >

About RPC-Literal Support

RPC allows the use of transports other than HTTP (for example, MQ and MSMQ) since we do not have to use SOAPAction header to specify the operation.

The following assertions are required for using RPC-literal:

Specification R2717. An RPC-literal binding in a description must have the namespace attribute specified, the value of which must be an absolute URI, on contained soapbind:body elements.

Specification R2729. A message described with an RPC-literal binding that is a response message must have a wrapper element whose name is the corresponding wsdl:operation name suffixed with the string Response.

Specification R2735. A message described with an RPC-literal binding must place the part accessory elements for parameters and return value in no namespace.

Specification R2207. A wsdl:message in a description may contain wsdl:parts that use the elements attribute provided those wsdl:parts are not referred to by a soapbind:body in an rpc-literal binding.

Making a Web Service an RPC-Literal Web Service

RPC Literal processing is enabled by rendering a Web Service as an RPC-literal Web Service and choosing the correct binding on the Inbound Web Services screen.

To make a Web Service an RPC-literal Web Service

  1. From the application-level menu, choose Navigate > Site Map > Administration - Web Services > Inbound Web Services.
  2. Select or add a new namespace from the Inbound Web Services list applet following the instructions in Invoking Siebel Web Services Using an External System.
  3. Create a new inbound service port record in the Service Ports list applet as indicated in Invoking Siebel Web Services Using an External System and in the Binding column select SOAP_RPC_LITERAL from the drop-down list.
Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume ll