Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III > EAI HTTP Transport > About the EAI HTTP Transport >

Selecting the Appropriate Business Service for HTTP

The business service you need to initialize to process a given XML document that is received from an external system using the EAI HTTP Transport depends on the processing you need to do on the data. The way to approach this is to accept the output of the EAI HTTP Transport and store it as a process property that you define, and process it later in the workflow based on the format of the data.

For example, you could pass the string into a custom business service that you build to parse the input, query some data in a Siebel application based on the data, and then update the appropriate field in the Siebel application. If the data is formatted as a SiebelMessage, you could use the EAI XML Converter business service with the XMLDocToIntObjHier method to pass an integration object to EAI Siebel Adapter for further processing.

Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III