Symbols - Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X


.cfg file entries, future support of   1

.jar files

about and list of   1

.rqy file, about using to store query   1

Back to top


6.x, EAI MQSeries Transport, about upgrading workflows   1

7.x, EAI MQSeries Transport, about upgrading workflows   1

Back to top



ad hoc reports, about using for   1

Siebel application data, viewing in   1

Siebel OLE DB Provider, about accessing   1

Access XP, about support of   1

Active Server Pages

BizTalk Server Messaging Manager with ASP files, configuring   1

BizTalk Server, copying to   1

HTTP Outbound directory, copying to   1

Siebel OLE DB Provider, about accessing   1

viewing Siebel application data, code sample   1

Active X Data Control, connect string   1

addfChildIntObjComp integration object component   1

addfIntObject method, about   1

AIC Inbound Transport

about   1

BizTalk Server, setting up to run locally (checklist)   1

BizTalk Server, setting up to run on   1

installing   1

receiving BizTalk messages, checklist for   1

registering as a COM+package remote communication   1

registering as a COM+server application   1

Siebel Server setup checklist   1

Siebel workflow information, supplying   1

XML documents, creating workflow for   1


configuring with less memory   1

AMI (MQSeries Application Messaging Interface)

See About Siebel EAI MQSeries Transports

ANSI X12 format   1

Application Integration Components Inbound Transport

See Siebel AIC Inbound Transport

authentication with HTTP outbound   1

Back to top


batch loading, about   1

BEA, about deploying in J2EE Application Server   1

BizTalk Server

about   1

Active Server Pages, copying to BizTalk Server   1

BizTalk configuration objects, setting up for HTTP inbound   1

channel, setting up   1

configuration objects, setting up   1

configuration objects, Siebel HTTP Inbound Transport   1

configuration objects, Siebel HTTP Outbound Transport   1

configuration objects, Siebel MSMQ Outbound Transport   1

document specifications, creating   1

exposing integration objects, checklist   1

features   1

formats   1

HTTP-based AIC DDL, copying from Siebel Server   1

HTTP-Based AIC, setting up to run on   1

IInterchange Submit parameter   1

information sources (table)   1

installation and document specification checklist   1

integration objects, about exposing   1

interface architecture   1

Messaging Manager, configuring   1

receiving messages from   1

required components for HTTP   1

schema, about generating   1

schemas importing   1

Server DLL, copying to Siebel Server   1

Siebel data type mapping   1

Siebel HTTP Outbound Transport, checklist   1

SubmitSync parameter   1

Type Library files, copying to Siebel Server   1

UNIX considerations   1

BizTalk Server adapter

installation and document specification checklist   1

preparing to use   1

servers and clients, installing and configuring   1

Siebel integration objects   1

BizTalk Server, connecting to

EAI MSMQ Transport, checklist for using inbound messaging   1

EAI MSMQ Transport, checklist for using outbound messaging   1

Siebel AIC Inbound Transport, setting up   1

Siebel COM Outbound Transport, setting up   1

Siebel COM Outbound Transport, using to send messages   1

Siebel HTTP Outbound Transport, checklist   1

business objects, SQL commands for querying   1

business services

EAI HTTP Transport, setting up for   1

parameter templates, using   1

Back to top


.cfg file entries, future support of   1

character conversion argument, availability of   1

CharacterSetConversion parameter, about setting Receive attribute   1

CharSetConversion parameter, about   1

clone integration object component   1

clone method, about   1

COM Outbound Transport

BizTalk communication link, establishing   1

parameters (table)   1

sending messages, checklist   1

COM+ package

AIC, registering   1

BizTalk Server, registering on   1

remote communication, creating   1

Command object, about and interfaces supported   1

CommandType property   1

connect string

local client mode, Siebel OLE DB Provider   1

Siebel OLE DB Provider, server connected mode   1

TCP/IP example   1

Connection property   1

connection subsystem, creating   1

ConnectionSubsystem parameter, about using   1


See About Microsoft OLE DB

ConverterService parameter, about   1

Back to top



Active Server Pages, using to view Siebel data   1

Siebel data, using Visual Basic to view   1

data handling parameters (table)   1

data handling subsystem, creating   1

data mapping, OLE DB consumers   1

data transfer, about high volume   1

database table, troubleshooting, could not be opened   1

DataHandlingSubsystem, about using   1

DataSource objects

DataSource properties (table)   1

interfaces supported   1

Session object, relation to   1





dead letter queue, about   1

Default Tasks parameter, configuring   1

dispatch error handling for EAI MQSeries Server Transport   1

Dispatch method, about   1

Dispatch parameter usage, table of   1

Dispatch service, about   1

DispatchMethod parameter, about   1

DispatchRuleSet parameter, about   1

DispatchService parameter, about   1

DispatchWorkflowProcess parameter, about   1

distribution list, role in BizTalk transport   1

DLL properties, viewing   1

DLLs, external

DLL, making   1

EAI DLL Transport, using to call a function   1

methods, supported   1

parameters, about   1

document specifications

checklist for creating   1

importing schema   1

Document Type Definition (DTD) format

importing into BizTalk, overview   1

new schema, generating   1

Back to top


EAI BTS COM Transport, about using   1

EAI Connectors, BizTalk Server integration   1

EAI DLL Transport

DLL, making   1

external DLL, calling a function   1

methods, supported   1

parameters, about   1

EAI File Transport

about   1

EAI XML Read from File, compared to   1

file names, generating   1

parameters (table)   1

supported modes (table)   1

workflow, creating   1

EAI HTTP Transport

about and methods   1

business service, selecting   1

external system, using messages returned from   1

HTTP outbound, basic authentication with   1

HTTP request in session mode   1

inbound messaging, about   1

inbound messaging, specifying HTTP parameters   1

network (HTTP protocol), login HTTP request example 1   1

network (HTTP protocol), login HTTP request example 2   1

network (HTTP protocol), logoff HTTP request   1

POST and GET methods, about and restrictions   1

send and receive messages, creating workflow process   1

Send and SendReceive arguments (table)   1

sending messages, process overview   1

sessionless mode, secure request in   1

sessionless mode, using in   1

Siebel Server, setting configuration parameters   1

system requirements   1

EAI HTTP Transport, inbound

business service, setting up   1

error handling   1

usage checklist   1

workflow process, creating   1

EAI HTTP Transport, outbound

HTTP parameter templates   1

HTTP parameters as run-time properties   1

parameters, about specifying   1

server-side parameters, specifying   1

EAI MQSeries AMI Transport

configuring   1

parameters (table)   1

ReceiveDispatchSend method, about using with AMI   1

EAI MQSeries Server Transport

See also About Message Id Tracking for an Inbound Message

AIX environment, configuring with less memory   1

configuring   1

dispatch error handling   1

EAI MQSeries AMI Transport, configuring   1

MQMD headers, exposing   1

MQSeries Server Receiver, about using   1

parameters (table)   1

re-entrance process, about using   1

using about   1

EAI MSMQ Outbound, setting up BizTalk configuration objects   1

EAI MSMQ Transport

See also Using EAI MSMQ Transport for Outbound Messaging

about   1

inbound messages, receiving   1

integration objects, defining   1

messages, receiving, dispatching, and sending   1

MSMQ, receiving messages from   1

MSMQ, sending literal to and receiving a response   1

outbound messages, sending with   1

parameters (table)   1

prerequisites, about   1

receiving and executing messages   1

Siebel application, sending messages from   1

EAI XML Read from File, compared to EAI File Transport   1

EDIFACT format   1

Electronic Data Exchange (EDI) format   1

Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (EDIFACT) format   1

equals integration object component   1

equals method, about   1


dispatch service error, receiver shuts down (troubleshooting)   1

workflow, capturing error in workflow   1

error handling

EAI HTTP Transport   1

EAI MQSeries Server Transport, for   1


query properties (table)   1

Siebel application data, viewing in   1

Siebel OLE DB Provider, about accessing   1

external OLE DB-enabled applications

See About Microsoft OLE DB

external system

messages, using returned from   1

Siebel application, sending messages from   1

Siebel application, sending to   1

Back to top


file names, generating   1

foreign keys, using   1

fromPropertySet method

integration object   1

integration object component   1

Back to top


GET method

about and restrictions (table)   1

Session Cookie mode login example   1

getfChildIntOb integration object component   1

getfFieldName integration object component   1

getfIntObjectFormat method, about   1

getfIntObjectName method, about   1

getfintObjInst method, about   1

getfMessageId method, about   1

getfMessageType method, about   1

getfOutputIntObjectName method, about   1

Back to top


HTTP inbound, setting up for BizTalk configuration objects   1

HTTP Session Cookie mode

login examples   1

Back to top


IAccessor interface

Command object   1

Rowset object   1

IBM MQSeries

See About Siebel EAI MQSeries Transports

IBM MQSeries client, about connecting to   1

IBM WebSphere, about deploying in J2EE Application Server   1

IColumnsInfo interface

Command object   1

Rowset object   1

ICommand interface   1

ICommandProperties interface   1

ICommandText interface   1

ICommandWithParameters interface   1

IConvertType interface

Command object   1

Rowset object   1

IDBCreateCommand interface   1

IDBCreateSession interface   1

IDBInitialize OLE DB interface   1

IDBProperties OLE DB interface   1

IDBSchemaRowset interface   1

IGetDataSource interface   1

IgnoreCharSetConvErrors parameter, about   1


See Siebel HTTP Outbound Transport

Inbound EAI HTTP Transport business service

See EAI HTTP Transport for Inbound Messages

inbound messages

See also About Message Id Tracking for an Inbound Message

about   1

EAI Transport, receiving   1

HTTP parameters, specifying   1

Message Id tracking   1

Siebel Server, setting configuration parameters   1

inbound methods

about   1

dispatch service error, receiver shuts down (troubleshooting)   1

list of   1

InputBizdoc process property   1

integration objects

about exposing   1

checklist for creating   1

EAI MSMQ Transport, defining for   1

exposing, checklist for   1

Java code directory structure   1

Java code, generating   1

new schema, generating   1

OLE DB differences in   1

OLE DB rowsets   1

OLE DB rowsets, relationship to   1

Sample Account integration object, generated JavaBean for   1

Siebel OLE DB Rowset object, creating   1

Siebel Server workflow, configuring for   1

for trading partners   1

Integration_ObjectIO method, about   1


integration object component, default Java methods   1

integration object component, default method (SiebelPropertySet)   1

IOpenRowset interface   1

IPersist OLE DB interface   1

IRowset interface   1

IRowsetInfo interface   1

ISessionProperties interface   1

ISupportErrorInfo interface

Command object   1

Rowset object   1

ISupportErrorInfo OLE DB interface   1

Back to top


J2EE Connector Architecture, about support for Siebel Resource Adapter   1

Java code, integration objects

directory structure   1

generating   1

Back to top


language, support of multilingual operation   1

local client mode, about connecting to Siebel OLE DB Provider   1


HTTP request example 1   1

HTTP request example 2   1

logoff HTTP request   1

Back to top


Message Id tracking for inbound messages   1

Message queuing API (MQI)

See About Siebel EAI MQSeries Transports


EAI MSMQ Transport, receiving, dispatching, and sending messages   1

external system, sending messages to   1

inbound messages, receiving with EAI MSMQ Transport   1

Message Id tracking for inbound messages   1

outbound messages, sending with EAI MSMQ Transport   1

sending and receiving messages, methods for   1

Siebel application to an external system, sending   1

Microsoft Access

ad hoc reports, about using for   1

Siebel application data, viewing in   1

Siebel OLE DB Provider, about accessing   1

Microsoft Access XP, about support of   1

Microsoft ADO version 2.1   1

Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000

See About Microsoft BizTalk Server

Microsoft Excel

query properties (table)   1

Siebel application data, viewing in   1

Siebel OLE DB Provider, about accessing   1

Microsoft Excel 2000, OLE DB connection to   1

Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS)

BizTalk Server   1

OLE DB Consumer   1

Microsoft Message Queuing Transport

See About MSMQ

Microsoft OLE DB

See also About Microsoft OLE DB

about   1

supported foundation version   1

Microsoft SQL Server, distributed queries   1

Microsoft Visual Basic, using to view Siebel data   1

Microsoft Windows Client, about using to query Siebel OLE DB rowsets   1

Microsoft Windows Event Viewer, using   1

Microsoft Windows Server, about using to distribute Siebel OLE DB rowsets   1

model queue, about sending to   1

MQI (Message queuing API)

See About Siebel EAI MQSeries Transports

MQMD headers

about exposing   1

message headers (table)   1

MQSeries AMI Receiver server component

connection subsystem, creating   1

data handling subsystem, creating   1

Default Tasks parameter, configuring   1

Receiver Server task, starting   1

workflow, specifying names subsystems in   1

MQSeries Application Messaging Interface (AMI)

See About Siebel EAI MQSeries Transports

configuring   1

MQSeries Server Receiver

using, about   1

workflow process, invoking   1

MSMQ Client

configuring   1

MSMQ transport

See also About MSMQ

about   1

EAI MSMQ Transport, about   1

sending and receiving messages, methods for   1

MSMQ Transport Server, configuring

See also MSMQ Primary Enterprise Controller

MSMQ Primary Controller, about configuring   1

Regional Enterprise Server and MSMQ Client, configuring   1

MSSQL, unable to query SODP using   1

multivalue fields (MVFs), about creating   1

mutilingual operation, support of   1


Back to top


named subsystems

See also Configuring Named Subsystems and Receiver Server Components

data handling parameters (table)   1

Dispatch parameter usage (table)   1

EAI Transport parameters   1

object interfaces, about and support of   1

parameter specification precedence rules   1

parameters, about specifying in business service   1

named subsystems, configuring

See also Configuring Named Subsystems and Receiver Server Components

connection subsystem, creating   1

data handling subsystem, creating   1

Default Tasks parameter, configuring   1

object interfaces, about and support of   1

Receiver Server task, starting   1

workflow, specifying named subsystems in   1


HTTP protocol, using in sessionless mode   1

login HTTP request example 1   1

login HTTP request example 2   1

logoff HTTP request   1

Back to top


object interfaces

about and support of   1


See About Microsoft OLE DB

OLE DB Consumers

applications supported   1

defined   1

multivalue fields, use of   1

OLE BD objects supported, list of   1

retrieving data, about   1

writing, about   1 ,  2

OLE DB objects

Siebel OLE DB Command object, about and interfaces supported   1

Siebel OLE DB Command object, syntax   1

Siebel OLE DB DataSource object, about and interfaces supported   1

Siebel OLE DB Rowset object, about and interfaces supported   1

Siebel OLE DB Session object, about and interfaces supported   1

OLE DB Provider

configuration testing   1

IDBCreateCommand interface   1

IDBCreateSession   1

IDBInitialize   1

IDBProperties interface   1

IPersist interface   1

ISupportErrorInfo interface   1

software architecture   1

OLE DB rowsets

See About the Software Architecture for the Siebel OLE DB Provider

Outbound EAI HTTP Transport business service

See Processing and Sending Outbound XML Documents

outbound messages, sending with EAI MSMQ Transport   1

outbound methods, about and list of   1

Back to top


parameter templates, about   1


COM Outbound Transport (table)   1

data handling parameters (table)   1

Dispatch parameter usage (table)   1

DLL Transport parameters (table)   1

EAI File Transport (table)   1

EAI MQSeries AMI Transport (table)   1

EAI MQSeries Server Transport parameters (table)   1

EAI MSMQ Transport parameters (table)   1

EAI Transport parameters, about   1

specification precedence rules   1

specifying as run-time properties   1

policies, about   1

POST method

about and restrictions (table)   1

Session Cookie Mode login example   1

primary keys, using   1

Back to top



Command object, creating   1

distributed   1

Microsoft Excel query properties (table)   1

queries against one virtual table   1

query file, Siebel OLE DB Provider   1

Siebel OLE DB Provider, using   1

troubleshooting, query did not run   1

QueryText property   1

QueryType property   1

Back to top


Receive and Execute inbound method, about   1

Receive attribute, about setting as Convert   1

Receive inbound method, about   1

Receive, Execute, Send inbound method, about   1

ReceiveDispatch inbound method, about   1

ReceiveDispatch method, about dispatch error handling   1

ReceiveDispatchSend inbound method, about   1

ReceiveDispatchSend method

AMI, using with   1

dispatch error handling, about   1

Receiver Server task, starting   1

receiving messages

external system to a Siebel application   1

external system, from a Siebel application   1

methods for   1

Regional Enterprise Server, configuring   1

Resource Adapter

See About the Siebel Resource Adapter

RollbackOnDispatchError parameter, about   1

Rowset object, about and interfaces supported   1


See also Connecting Siebel Data Using OLE DB Consumers

integration objects, relation to   1

naming convention   1

resequencing field names   1

retrieving data, about   1

rowset object, creating   1

rowset object, modifying   1

Rowset object, support of   1

Session objects, relation to   1

visibility level   1

.rqy file, about using to store query   1

run-time properties, parameters as   1

Back to top


Sample Account integration object, generated JavaBean for   1

SAP IDOC, BizTalk Server scenario   1

Schema Generator Wizard, about using   1


BizTalk, importing into   1

formats   1

generating   1


Active Server Pages, using to view Siebel data   1

OLE DB consumer, writing   1

OLE DB objects supported, list of   1

Siebel OLE DB Provider, about using with   1

Visual Basic, using to view Siebel data   1

Send and Receive outbound method, about   1

Send method

arguments (table)   1

sending messages

methods for   1

Siebel application from an external system   1

Siebel application to an external system   1

SendReceive method

arguments (table)   1

EAI HTTP Transport, about   1

EAI Transport, using with   1

HTTP outbound, basic authentication with   1

HTTP request in session mode   1

secure request in sessionless mode   1

server connected mode, Siebel OLE DB Provider   1

Server: Msg 7357, troubleshooting   1

Server: Msg 7399, troubleshooting   1

service points, about   1

Session object, about and interfaces supported   1

setfFieldName integration object component   1

setfIntObjectFormat method, about   1

setfIntObjectName method, about   1

setfMessageId method, about   1

setfMessageType method, about   1

setfOutputIntObjectName method, about   1

Siebel 6.x, EAI MQSeries Transport, about upgrading workflows   1

Siebel 7.x, EAI MQSeries Transport, about upgrading workflows   1

Siebel ActiveX Data Controls, installing   1

Siebel AIC, Siebel Server Workflow configuration   1

Siebel application data

Microsoft Access, viewing in   1

Microsoft Excel, viewing in   1

SQL Analyzer, viewing in   1

Siebel BizTalk adapter

business scenarios   1

COM Outbound Siebel workflow, creating   1

data formats supported   1

inbound and outbound interfacing processes   1

interface file installation   1

new schema, generating   1

protocols supported   1

transport protocols, supported   1

XDR data type mappings   1

Siebel Client, creating COM Outbound workflow   1

Siebel COM Outbound Transport

See also Siebel COM Outbound Transport

Siebel database, writing XML document to   1

Siebel EAI Connectors installation option, caution   1

Siebel eAI Transports

See About EAI Transports

Siebel HTTP Inbound Transport

about   1

BizTalk configuration objects, setting up   1

BizTalk, receiving messages from (checklist)   1

Siebel Server, about configuring   1

Siebel workflow, creating   1

Siebel HTTP Outbound Transport

ASP files, copying to directory   1

BizTalk configuration objects, setting up   1

BizTalk, sending messages, checklist   1

checklist   1

Siebel workflow, creating   1

Siebel workflow, creating for   1

virtual directory, creating   1

Siebel Integration Objects

See Siebel Integration Objects

Siebel JAR files, about and list of   1

Siebel JavaBean

See also About the Siebel Resource Adapter

Siebel JavaBean Wizard

folders and files, about created for integration object   1

integration objects, generating for   1

Sample Account integration object, generated JavaBean for   1

Siebel OLE DB Command object

about and interfaces supported   1

syntax   1

Siebel OLE DB DataSource object

about and interfaces supported   1

properties (table)   1

Siebel OLE DB Provider

See also About the Siebel OLE DB Provider

about   1

Active Server Pages, about accessing from   1

architecture (diagram)   1

business scenarios   1

Command object   1

configuration testing   1

connection properties (table)   1

data mapping   1

default interface, applications   1

DLL properties, viewing   1

events, viewing   1

Excel or Access, about accessing from   1

foreign keys, using   1

installation, about   1

installation, location of   1

local client mode, about   1

local client mode, data source syntax (table)   1

MS SQL Server and distributed queries   1

multilingual operation, support of   1

multivalue fields, about creating   1

OLE DB consumer, writing   1 ,  2

OLE DB objects supported, list of   1

primary keys, using   1

read-only status   1

.rqy file   1

scripting languages supported   1

server connected mode, about   1

Session object   1

Siebel data, retrieving using VB and ASP   1

Siebel EAI Connectors installation option, caution   1

Siebel Mobile Client   1

Siebel Server   1

software architecture   1

SQL Server, about accessing from   1

troubleshooting   1

visibility levels   1

Windows client   1

Siebel OLE DB Rowset

See also Connecting Siebel Data Using OLE DB Consumers

about   1

integration objects, differences in   1

rowset object, creating   1

rowset object, modifying   1

wizard, about   1

Siebel OLE DB Rowset object, about and interfaces supported   1

Siebel OLE DB Session object, about and interfaces supported   1

Siebel Resource Adapter

about   1

using, about   1

Siebel Server

AIC Inbound Transport, about   1

AIC Inbound Transport, setup checklist   1

BizTalk Server DLL, copying   1

COM+ remote communication, creating   1

configuration parameters, setting   1

HTTP-based AIC DDL, copying to BizTalk Server   1

integration component workflow, configuring for   1

Siebel HTTP Inbound Transport, about configuring   1

Type Library files, copying   1

Siebel Tools

BizTalk Server, exposing integration objects to   1

BizTalk Server, integration object for   1

DTD schemas, role in generating   1

EAI MSMQ transport, about customizing   1

outbound HTTP Transport messages   1

role in specifying business service user properties   1

schema, about generating   1

Siebel OLE DB rowset object, creating   1

Siebel OLE DB rowset object, modifying   1

Siebel OLE DB rowset, role in defining   1

XDR schemas, role in generating   1

Siebel Web client, server connected mode, Siebel OLE DB Provider   1

Siebel Web Engine (SWE) connectivity, checking   1

Siebel Workflow Process Manager

See Configuring EAI MSMQ Transport for Various Send and Receive Scenarios

Siebel workflows

COM Outbound, creating   1

creating for Siebel HTTP Inbound Transport, creating for   1

creating for Siebel HTTP Outbound Transport   1

Siebel HTTP Outbound Transport, creating for   1

Siebel Server, configuring for integration objects   1

workflow information, supplying for AIC Inbound Transport   1

siebel.udl file, about using   1

SiebelMessage process property   1

SiebelTransactions parameter, about   1

SODP, unable to query using MSSQL Query Analyzer   1

SQL Analyzer, viewing Siebel Application data in   1

SQL commands, supported   1

SQL Query Analyzer message 7399, troubleshooting   1

SQL Server, about accessing Siebel OLE DB Provider   1

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templates, about parameter templates   1

test connection

button, about using   1

troubleshooting   1


See Configuring and Testing the Siebel OLE DB Provider


integration object   1

integration object component   1

trading partners

BizTalk Server scenario   1

integration objects for   1

Transport methods

See also About EAI Transports

about   1

data handling parameters (table)   1

inbound methods   1

outbound methods   1


See also About EAI Transports

about and list of   1

communication connectivity, about   1

Dispatch parameter usage (table)   1

parameters, about   1

role of   1

Transport methods   1


database table could not be opened   1

initialization failed   1

query did not run   1

Server: Msg 7357   1

SiebelOLEDB.Provider.1 supplied inconsistent metadata for a column message   1

SODP, unable to query using MSSQL Query Analyzer   1

SQL Query Analyzer error message   1

test connection failure   1

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UNIX, BizTalk Server considerations   1

URL, checking connectivity to SWE   1

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Version property   1

virtual tables, querying   1

Visual Basic, using to view Siebel data   1

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WebDAV BizTalk Repository, about using   1

WebLogic, about deploying in J2EE Application Server   1

WebSphere, about deploying in J2EE Application Server   1

Windows Client, about using to query Siebel OLE DB rowsets   1

Windows Event Viewer, using   1

Windows Server, about using to distribute Siebel OLE DB rowsets   1


EAI File Transport, using to create   1

EAI HTTP Transport, creating to receive messages   1

EAI HTTP Transport, sending messages   1

EAI HTTP Transport, setting up for   1

error, capturing in workflow   1

HTTP outbound, basic authentication with   1

HTTP request in session mode   1

messages, using returned from external system.   1

MQSeries Server Receiver, invoking a process using   1

named subsystems, specifying   1

sessionless mode, secure request in   1

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XDR format

BizTalk, importing into overview   1

data type mappings   1

new schema, generating   1


BizTalk Server, role in   1

workflow for inbound documents   1

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Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III