Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III > Interfacing with Microsoft BizTalk Server > Connecting to BizTalk Using EAI MSMQ Transport >

Using EAI MSMQ Transport for Inbound Messages

This section describes how to use the Siebel BizTalk interface to receive an XML document from BizTalk Server sent over MSMQ Transport.



Set up Siebel EAI MSMQ Transport and set up queue to receive messages, if you have not already done so.

For details, see Configuring EAI MSMQ Transport for Various Send and Receive Scenarios.


Set up the organization, port, and channel (collectively known as BizTalk configuration objects) for use with MSMQ Transport.

For details, see Setting Up an MSMQ Queue for Receiving Messages.


Create the workflow to process inbound documents from Siebel using MSMQ transport.

For details, see Receiving Messages from MSMQ.

Setting Up an MSMQ Queue for Receiving Messages

Set up an MSMQ transactional queue to receive messages from the Siebel application. You should name the queue an easy-to-identify name, such as toSiebel. See EAI MSMQ Transport and the Microsoft MSMQ documentation for details.

To set up BizTalk configuration objects for MSMQ Inbound

  1. On the BizTalk Server machine, access the BizTalk Messaging Manager.
  2. Set up your home organization as Siebel and set up applications for the home organization.

    NOTE:  For each BizTalk-specific step, see Microsoft BizTalk Server documentation for the details.

  3. Create a new organization and name it as is appropriate. For example, if your trading partner is Oracle, enter Oracle.
  4. Create a document definition for previously created document specification from WebDAV and name it, for example, Siebel Order. See To import schema into BizTalk Server to save it as a BizTalk document specification.
  5. Set up a new BizTalk Server port to send the document to the Siebel application (for example, Siebel Sales) with the Primary Transport of Message Queuing.
    1. Using BizTalk Messaging Manager, create a new port named Siebel MSMQ BTS.
    2. Specify the primary transport type to be Message Queuing.
    3. Specify the address to point to the queue on which you will be sending the message to, such as DIRECT=OS: machine\ToSiebel. Refer to the BizTalk documentation for queue supported format names.
    4. Save your work.
  6. Create a new channel for the port created in Step 5.
    1. Create a new channel "From an Organization" such as Oracle To Siebel MSMQ Channel.Click Next.
    2. Select the appropriate inbound document definition, such as Oracle Order.
    3. Select the appropriate outbound document definition for your trading partner, such as Siebel Order.
    4. Select an appropriate map, if necessary.
    5. If required, configure the Advanced properties in the final Channel Configuration page to provide authentication information.
    6. Complete other pages as required and select Finish to complete.
  7. Configure a File Receive Function from BizTalk Server Administration to poll a file location and deliver to the channel configured in Step 6.

    NOTE:  This example uses File transport to receive documents from trading partners for the sake of illustration. In your actual business situations, a trading partner can deliver messages to a Siebel application over any supported transport.

    1. Open BizTalk Server Administration, expand Microsoft BizTalk Server, and expand the server group to which you want to add the File receive function.
    2. Select Receive Functions.
    3. Choose Action > New > File Receive Function and provide the information.
      • Name. The name of the File receive function, such as Oracle to Siebel MSMQ.
      • Comment. Add a brief description (optional).
      • Server. Server on which the receive function runs.
      • Polling Location. Enter c:\MSMQ.

        NOTE:  This is the location where your trading partner delivers the XML documents for the Siebel applications so the channel can pick it up from there and send it to Siebel application for processing.

      • File Types To Poll For. Type the extension of the files that BizTalk Server receives. In this case, type *.xml.
    4. Click the Advanced tab and enter a Channel Name, such as Oracle to Siebel MSMQ Channel.
  8. Click OK to finish.

To create the Siebel workflow for MSMQ Inbound

  1. From the Site Map choose Administration - Business Process > Workflow Processes.
  2. Create a new workflow process as shown below to receive a message.

NOTE:  For information on how to set up Siebel Workflow, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

  1. Set up the process properties for your workflow as follows:
    Data Type







    Object Id



  2. Set up the first step after Start to use the EAI MSMQ Transport business service with the Receive method and the following input and output arguments:
    Input Arguments
    Property Name
    Property Data Type

    Message Text

    Process Property






    private$\name of the queue





    Machine Name that owns the MSMQ queue













    Property Name
    Output Argument


    Output Argument


    Message Text

    NOTE:  Large Message Support must be disabled and Ignore Correlation Id must be set to True for Siebel applications to pick up messages from BizTalk. Correlation Id must be ignored because BizTalk always populates the information on the sent messages. The messages with Correlation Id are considered response messages by Siebel applications. For details on setting up and using the Siebel EAI MSMQ Transport, see EAI MSMQ Transport.

  3. Set up the next step to use the Transcode Service business service to convert the incoming data to UTF-8 format.

    NOTE:  XML documents are sent in UTF-16 format from BizTalk Server to Siebel applications. In order for the XML Converter to correctly process, the incoming document must be converted to UTF-8 format through the Transcode Service.

    Input Arguments
    Property Name
    Property Data Type

    Conversion Mode





    Source Encoding





    Target Encoding






    Process Property




    Property Name
    Output Argument


    Output Argument



  4. Set up the third step to use the EAI XML Converter with the XML Document to Integration Object Hierarchy method using the following input and output arguments. This step converts the XML document to a Siebel object.
    Input Arguments
    Property Name
    Property Data Type

    XML Document

    Process Property




    Property Name
    Output Argument


    Output Argument


    Siebel Message

  5. Set up the last step to use the EAI Siebel Adapter with the Insert or Update method to update the Siebel Database, using the following input argument.
    Input Arguments
    Property Name
    Property Data Type

    Siebel Message

    Process Property


    Siebel Message


  6. Save your workflow process and test it using Workflow Process Simulator.

    NOTE:  For information on how to use the Business Process Designer, see Siebel Business Process Designer Administration Guide.

Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III