Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III > EAI HTTP Transport >

EAI HTTP Transport for Inbound Messages

To use the EAI Transport, you complete two steps:

  • Set up the business service for use in the workflow.
  • Create the workflow.

Both steps are explained in this section.

This scenario assumes incoming XML. Your business requirements dictate if and how you need to adapt these steps to fit your needs.

To set up the business service

  1. Start Siebel Tools, connecting to the server.
  2. Find the business service named Workflow Process Manager.
  3. Copy this record and rename the copy EAITEST.
  4. Access the Business Service User Props window and add a new record:
    1. Enter ProcessName in the Name column.
    2. Enter EAITEST in the Value column, as shown in the following illustration.
      Click for full size image
  5. Compile a new .srf file and copy it to the SIEBSRVR_ROOT\Object directory.
  6. Restart the Siebel Server.
  7. Verify that the EAI Object Manager has started.

To create the new workflow process to receive messages

  1. Log in to the Siebel client as an administrator connected to the server.
  2. From the Site Map choose Administration - Business Process > Workflow Processes.
  3. Create a new workflow process as shown below and give it a unique name, such as EAITEST.
  4. Select the Process Properties tab and add the following properties:
    Data Type
    Default String





    By creating the IncomingXML process property, anything that is sent as data will be placed in this variable. This allows you to then perform a given action on that data. If the POST method was used, the data sent in the Body will be stored in this property. If the GET method was used, the data sent in the URL will be stored in this property.

    Account Message




    This is hierarchy format of the incoming XML.





    Used to get the XML string that has been read or converted.





    It indicates the content type of the response body. If you want to see the response in the same Web page then you need to set this parameter to text/html.

  5. Set up the first step of the workflow after Start to use the EAI XML Converter with the XML Document to Integration Object Hierarchy method. This step converts the message, using the following input and output arguments.
    Input Arguments
    Property Name
    Property Data Type

    XML Document

    Process Property




    Property Name
    Output Argument

    Account message

    Output Argument


    Siebel Message

  6. Set up the second step to use the EAI Siebel Adapter with the Insert or the Update method and the following input and output argument to update the Siebel Database.
    Input Arguments
    Property Name
    Property Data Type

    Siebel Message

    Process Property


    Account Message


    Property Name
    Output Argument



    <h1>Update Completed</h1>


    NOTE:  The HTTP response for inbound requests is determined by looking at the <Value> portion of the output property set. HTTP response headers can be set by setting properties on the output property set.

  7. Save your workflow process and test it using the Workflow Process Simulator.
Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III