Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III > Integrating with Java > About the Siebel Code Generator >
About the Code Generated for an Integration Object
Integration objects are special kinds of property sets that are the input and output of business services based on the data sync service. JavaBeans based on integration objects are designed to be used with those business services or with the EAI Siebel Adapter and may be used to query, delete, upsert, and synchronize information in the Siebel Server's database. The integration object, and each of its components, has its own Java class, stored in the package com.siebel.local.Integration Object Name. The class for the integration object has IO appended to the end, and the class for an integration component has IC appended. The Code Generator creates the standard Java directory structure reflecting the package structure. In the selected folder, a subfolder named com is created, containing a subfolder siebel, containing a subfolder local, which contains one subfolder for each integration object that was generated. The Java files are stored in the lowest directory. This structure is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Directory Structure Created of Java Code Generated for Integration Objects
For example, the integration object Sample Account; which has five components Account, Account Attachment, Account_Organization, Business Address, and Contact; generates the following six classes:
- Sample_AcccountIO
- AccountIC
- Account_AttachmentIC
- Account_OrganizationIC
- Business_AddressIC
- ContactIC
The first class, suffixed with IO, represents the entire integration object. It has methods to construct the object, to read and write fields, to add integration object components, and to convert to and from a SiebelPropertySet. The other five classes, suffixed with IC, represent the individual integration object components and provide methods that are for constructing the component to read and write fields and to convert to and from a SiebelPropertySet. Methods of Java Classes Generated for an Integration Object
Table 29 describes methods that are present in the generated Java code for every integration object.
Table 29. Methods of the Java Class com.siebel.local.GenericIntObjIO Generated for an Example Integration Object, GenericIntObj
addfintObjInst(SiebelHierarchy) |
Adds an integration object component object to the integration object. |
clone |
Returns a copy of the integration object. |
equals(Object) |
Determines whether integration object has the same data as the integration object passed. |
fromPropertySet(SiebelPropertySet) |
Copies the data from the given property set to the integration object. |
getfIntObjectFormat |
Returns a String containing the format of the integration object. |
getfIntObjectName |
Returns the integration object name property. |
getfintObjInst |
Returns a Vector representation of the integration object. |
getfMessageId |
Returns the MessageId property of the integration object. |
getfMessageType |
Returns the MessageType property of the integration object. |
getfOutputIntObjectName |
Returns the OutputIntObjectName property of the integration object. |
Generic_ObjectIO() |
Default constructor. |
Generic_ObjectIO(SiebelPropertySet ps) |
Creates an integration object (and its hierarchy) based on a property set. |
setfIntObjectFormat |
Sets the IntObjectFormat property of the integration object. |
setfIntObjectName |
Sets the IntObjectName property of the integration object. |
setfMessageId |
Sets the MessageId property of the integration object. |
setfMessageType |
Sets the MessageType property of the integration object. |
setfOutputIntObjectName |
Sets the OutputIntObjectName property of the integration object. |
toPropertySet |
Returns a SiebelPropertySet representation of the integration object. |
Methods of Java Classes Generated for an Integration Object Component
Table 30 describes methods that are present in the generated Java code for every integration object component.
Table 30. Methods of the Java Class com.siebel.local.GenericIntCompIC Generated for an Example Integration Object, GenericIntComp Having Child Component GenericIntCompChild and Field GenericField
addfGenericIntCompChildIC(GenericIntCompChildIC) |
Adds to the integration object component the given child integration object component. |
clone |
Returns a copy of the integration object. |
equals(Object) |
Determines whether the integration object component has the same data as the passed integration object component. |
fromPropertySet(SiebelPropertySet) |
Populates the integration object component based upon the contents of a property set. |
getfGenericIntCompChildIC |
Returns a Vector containing all child integration object components of type ChildIntObjComp associated with the integration object component. |
getfGenericField() |
Returns the value of the field GenericField. |
GenericIntCompIC() |
Default constructor. |
GenericIntCompIC(SiebelPropertySet) |
Creates an integration object component from a property set. |
setfGenericField(val) |
Sets the value of the field GenericField. |
toPropertySet |
Returns a property set representation of the integration object component. |