Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III > Java Business Service >

Prerequisites for Implementing a JBS

In order to implement a Java business service, the following software must be installed and properly configured on each Siebel Server or Siebel Mobile and Dedicated Web Clients:

  • A Java Runtime Environment.
  • All necessary Java code.
  • A configured named subsystem of type JVMSubSys.

The named subsystem supplies the parameters to the JBS. There are three parameters:

  • DLL. The complete path of the Java Runtime Environment library. On Windows, it is jvm.dll; on AIX, libjvm.a; on HP-UX,; and on Solaris,
  • CLASSPATH. The classpath used by the Java virtual machine.

    The classpath must include the following Siebel JAR files as well as all Java code implementing the desired business service.

    The required Siebel JAR files are:

    • Siebel.jar
    • SiebelJI_lang.jar (lang corresponds to the default language for your installation).
  • VMOPTIONS. Java virtual machine options. On all platforms, except AIX, it is recommended that the option -Xusealtsigs be used to make sure that the signal handlers used by the Siebel Server do not conflict with those of the JVM.

The following example shows how to create a named subsystem using the Siebel Server Manager:

create named subsystem JAVA for subsystem JVMSubSys with



VMOPTIONS ="-Xrs -Djava.compiler=NONE"

Alternatively, the parameters to the Java Business Service may be specified in the application configuration file instead of a named subsystem. This should only be used in conjunction with the Siebel Mobile and Dedicated Web clients, and not the Siebel Server.


DLL = D:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll

CLASSPATH = c:\cp\Siebel.jar;c:\cp\SiebelJI_enu.jar;c:\cp\myJARs.jar;.

VMOPTIONS = -Xrs -Djava.compiler=NONE

Creating a Java Subsystem by Using the Siebel Web Client

The following is an alternative procedure for creating a Java subsystem by using the Siebel Web Client.

To create a Java subsystem by using the Siebel Web Client

  1. Start any Siebel eBusiness application and navigate to Site Map > Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises.
  2. In the top list applet, select the Enterprise Server that you want to configure.
  3. In the middle applet, click the Profile Configuration tab.
  4. Click New to create a new component profile and set the following parameters:
    1. Profile = JAVA
    2. Alias = JAVA
    3. Subsystem Type = JVMSubsys
  5. In the Profile Parameters list applet (the bottom applet), set the following values:
    1. Set the Value of the JVM Classpath parameter to one of the following:
      • The location of the file (if using the JMS Transport).
      • The JMS provider JAR files (if using the JMS Transport).
      • The Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar files. These files can be installed by using either Siebel Tools or the Siebel Server. An example of these files for Microsoft Windows follows:

    c:\bea\weblogic.jar;c:\siebel\jndi;c:\siebel\siebsrvr\CLASSES\Siebel.jar; c:\siebel\siebsrvr\classes\SiebelJI_enu.jar

    1. Set the Value of the JVM DLL Name parameter to the path where you have the jvm.dll file installed. For example, DLL= D:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll.
    2. Set the Value of the JVM Options record to any JVM-specific options that you would like to enable.
About Platform-Specific Configurations for the JVM

Depending on the platform, it is necessary to set certain environment variables to make sure of the proper loading of the JVM:

  • AIX. Make sure that you have the environment variable LIBPATH set to include the JVM's .lib and classic directories. For example:

    setenv LIBPATH /usr/j2sdk14/lib:/usr/j2sdk14/classic:${LIBPATH}

    Also, make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly.

  • HP-UX. Make sure that you have the environment variable SHLIB_PATH set to include the JVM's .jre and .bin directories and the server directory. For example:

    setenv SHLIB_PATH


    Set the variable LD_PRELOAD to the full path of the Java library.

  • Solaris, Windows. No additional settings are needed.

When a Java business service is invoked on UNIX from a server component (for example, the JMS Receiver; see Java Message Service Transport for more information), the necessary settings must be done in the script that creates the component.

For the receiver, the script is siebshw; for the application object managers, it is siebmtshw. These scripts are present in the .bin directory where the Siebel Server is installed.

Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III