Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III > Java Business Service >
Prerequisites for Implementing a JBS
In order to implement a Java business service, the following software must be installed and properly configured on each Siebel Server or Siebel Mobile and Dedicated Web Clients:
- A Java Runtime Environment.
- All necessary Java code.
- A configured named subsystem of type JVMSubSys.
The named subsystem supplies the parameters to the JBS. There are three parameters:
The following example shows how to create a named subsystem using the Siebel Server Manager: create named subsystem JAVA for subsystem JVMSubSys with
VMOPTIONS ="-Xrs -Djava.compiler=NONE"
Alternatively, the parameters to the Java Business Service may be specified in the application configuration file instead of a named subsystem. This should only be used in conjunction with the Siebel Mobile and Dedicated Web clients, and not the Siebel Server. [JAVA]
DLL = D:\j2sdk1.4.2\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
CLASSPATH = c:\cp\Siebel.jar;c:\cp\SiebelJI_enu.jar;c:\cp\myJARs.jar;.
VMOPTIONS = -Xrs -Djava.compiler=NONE
Creating a Java Subsystem by Using the Siebel Web Client
The following is an alternative procedure for creating a Java subsystem by using the Siebel Web Client. To create a Java subsystem by using the Siebel Web Client
- Start any Siebel eBusiness application and navigate to Site Map > Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises.
- In the top list applet, select the Enterprise Server that you want to configure.
- In the middle applet, click the Profile Configuration tab.
- Click New to create a new component profile and set the following parameters:
- Profile = JAVA
- Alias = JAVA
- Subsystem Type = JVMSubsys
- In the Profile Parameters list applet (the bottom applet), set the following values:
- Set the Value of the JVM Classpath parameter to one of the following:
- The location of the file (if using the JMS Transport).
- The JMS provider JAR files (if using the JMS Transport).
- The Siebel.jar and SiebelJI_enu.jar files. These files can be installed by using either Siebel Tools or the Siebel Server. An example of these files for Microsoft Windows follows:
c:\bea\weblogic.jar;c:\siebel\jndi;c:\siebel\siebsrvr\CLASSES\Siebel.jar; c:\siebel\siebsrvr\classes\SiebelJI_enu.jar
- Set the Value of the JVM DLL Name parameter to the path where you have the jvm.dll file installed. For example, DLL=
- Set the Value of the JVM Options record to any JVM-specific options that you would like to enable.
About Platform-Specific Configurations for the JVM
Depending on the platform, it is necessary to set certain environment variables to make sure of the proper loading of the JVM:
- AIX. Make sure that you have the environment variable LIBPATH set to include the JVM's .lib and classic directories. For example:
setenv LIBPATH /usr/j2sdk14/lib:/usr/j2sdk14/classic:${LIBPATH}
Also, make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set correctly.
- HP-UX. Make sure that you have the environment variable SHLIB_PATH set to include the JVM's .jre and .bin directories and the server directory. For example:
Set the variable LD_PRELOAD to the full path of the Java library.
- Solaris, Windows. No additional settings are needed.
When a Java business service is invoked on UNIX from a server component (for example, the JMS Receiver; see Java Message Service Transport for more information), the necessary settings must be done in the script that creates the component. For the receiver, the script is siebshw ; for the application object managers, it is siebmtshw . These scripts are present in the .bin directory where the Siebel Server is installed.