Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III > Java Message Service Transport > Configuring the JMS Transport >

About the JMS Receiver

The JMS Receiver is a Siebel Server component that makes it possible for the JMS Transport to be invoked asynchronously. The JMS Receiver listens for messages arriving on a JMS Queue or Topic and takes action whenever a message arrives. The JMS Receiver repeatedly invokes a single method of the JMS Transport, either ReceiveDispatch, ReceiveDispatchSend, or SubscribeDispatch.

An instance of the JMS Receiver is configured with the parameters of a JMSSubsys named subsystem, which fix the queue or topic to listen to, as well as the action to be taken.

The following is an example of how an instance of the JMS Receiver could be configured and run by using the Siebel Server Manager command-line interface:

create named subsystem MyJMSConnSubsys_SR for subsystem JMSSubsys with





create named subsystem SiebelEcho for subsystem EAITransportDataHandlingSubsys with

DispatchService="Workflow Utilities",


start task for comp JMSReceiver with




For a discussion of named subsystems for the Siebel eAI, see EAI Transports and Interfaces Overview.

For more information on administering named subsystems, see the Siebel System Administration Guide.

Transports and Interfaces: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume III