Siebel Energy Guide > Technical Reference for the Price Comparison Feature > SIS OM Pricing Calculator Business Service >

User Properties for Pricing Calculator Methods

Pricing Calculator methods use these user properties:

  • XA Name - Area. Name of the product attribute used to store the service area where the rate plan is being offered.
  • XA Name - Usage Type. Name of the product attribute used to store the usage breakdown category of the rate plan. Out of the box, the value of this property is Usage Type.
  • Usage Type n. Valid values for the Usage Type attribute specified by the XA Name - Usage Type user property.

    For example:


    Usage Type 1


    Usage Type 2

    Off Peak

    Usage Type 3


    NOTE:  For instructions on adding a new usage type, see To add a new usage type for the pricing calculator.

  • Threshold Usage Type. Value of the Usage Type attribute that is handled as the threshold usage (that is, the number of units charged at a specified price before applying other pricing rules). Out of the box, the value is Threshold.
  • Peak. Name of the field of the SIS OM PC Usage Profile business component that is used to store the Peak category of usage breakdown.
  • Off Peak. Name of the field of the SIS OM PC Usage Profile business component used to store the Off Peak category of usage breakdown.
  • Must Match XA n. Names of product attributes that an internal rate plan must possess in order to be qualified as a match to the current rate plan used by the prospective customer.

    For example:


    Must Match XA 1


    Must Match XA 2


  • PC Type n. Names of all the basic (non-dual) service types of products used in the Pricing Calculator functionality.

    For example:


    PC Type 1


    PC Type 2


  • Dual Fuel Service Type. Name of the service type of products designated for dual fuel discount processing.
  • SIS OM ViewName. Default view to use when displaying the PC SmartScript. It is used by the Run SmartScript method.
  • SIS OM AppletName. Default applet to use when displaying the PC SmartScript. It is used by the Run SmartScript method.
  • SIS OM ScriptName - HI. Default SmartScript script to use in high interactivity mode. It is used by the Run SmartScript method.
  • SIS OM ScriptName - LI. Default SmartScript script to use in standard interactivity mode. It is used by the Run SmartScript method.

To add a new usage type for the pricing calculator

  1. Add the new value to the attribute specified by the user property XA Name - Usage Type.
  2. Add a new user property Usage Type n to specify this new value.
  3. Add both a new field to the SIS OM PC Usage Profile business component and a new column to its underlying table for the data storage.
  4. Add a new user property with this new usage type as the name and the Business Component field name added above as the value.
Siebel Energy Guide