Siebel Field Service Guide > Charges and Invoices > Charges and Invoices Screens >

Administration - Contracts Screen

The Administration - Contracts screen provides views for creating charge plans and charge consolidation plans, and for defining contract schedules.

Charge Consolidation Plans View

The Charge Consolidation Plans view shows existing charge consolidation plans and allows users to create or modify charge consolidation plans. These plans can be used to define what charges are included on an invoice and the invoiced period. Table 67 lists some of the fields and their descriptions for this view.

Table 67.  Selected Items in the Charge Consolidation Plans View

Advance To

Executes the consolidation plan through this date. For example, you can create invoices on the 10th of the month that include charges through the 20th of the month by entering the 20th in the Advance To field.

Last Invoiced Date

When a consolidation plan is released, the Last Invoice Date is set to the Start Date.

Next Invoice Date

The date on the next invoice. When a consolidation plan is released or an invoice is created, the Next Invoice Date is re-calculated based on the schedule.

Use Bill To Account

When selected, a new invoice is created for each unique bill-to account on the service request or agreement, instead of invoicing the account address.

Start and End Date

Charges dated after the start date and before the end date are included on an invoice under the charge consolidation plan.

Released Flag

When selected, the plan is available for use.

Consolidation Rule Subview

Consolidation rules specify which charges are consolidated into an invoice. For example, using the three Values AT&T, Wireless Agreement, and USD, you can include only those charges meeting all three rule criteria on invoices. Table 68 describes the fields in this subview.

Table 68.  Fields in the Consolidation Rule Subview



The name of the Charge Consolidation Plan workflow (for example, FS - Charge Consolidation) being used to generate an invoice.


If the rule operand is "equals," then you must select a rule in the Value field. If the rule operand is "is like," then you can enter a rule in the Value field.

Sequence Number

The sequence number is not important in this process because if the consolidation rule contains multiple criteria records, the criteria are treated with the "and" relationship.


Rule criteria that determine how charges are consolidated into an invoice.

Contract Schedule View

The Contract Schedule list shows existing contract schedules and allows users to create or modify contract schedules. These schedules can be used to set a fixed schedule for generating charges for agreement line items. Table 69 shows some of the fields in this view.

Table 69.  Selected Items in the Contract Schedule View

Repeat Type

This field determines how often an event occurs:

  • Daily. For example, every 30 days.
  • Monthly By Day. For example, the 5th of the month every 6 months.
  • Monthly By Week. For example, the 3rd Wednesday every 7 months.
  • Weekly. For example, every Monday and Wednesday every 2 weeks.

Released Flag

When selected, the schedule is available for use.

Siebel Field Service Guide