Siebel Finance Guide > Collections >

Scenario for Collections

The following business scenario features sample tasks performed by a Siebel administrator and a collection agent. Your company may follow a different workflow according to its business requirements.

Siebel Administrator Checks for Delinquent Accounts

A Siebel administrator at a bank can use Siebel Finance to monitor accounts that are 60 days delinquent and create a list of delinquent accounts. The administrator can then assign these accounts to his team for collections follow up.

Bank Collection Agent Contacts Customers

A bank collection agent is calling customers whose accounts are 60 days delinquent. Prior to making her first call, she accesses the Collection Summary view to learn more about the customer's financial accounts and payment history. Her first call is to a customer who is 60 days delinquent on a home equity loan. The collection agent views additional information by drilling down on the Account # hyperlink.

Using an automatic dialer, the collection agent calls the customer. Once the call connects, the collection agent uses the call guide and summary information to explain the purposes of the call. The customer explains his situation to the collection agent and mentions scheduling a payment so the collection agent navigates to the Payment Promises view to record the promise. In this view, she can select several promises options, including single, two part, or long term. She can also enter the promises amount and promises date. The collection call ends.

In this scenario, an administrator is responsible for administering Siebel Finance and requires administrative responsibilities to:

  • Generate a list of delinquent accounts from either Siebel financial accounts, legacy systems, or Siebel Analytics

End users are collection agents. They enter information to:

  • View summary information about delinquent accounts
  • Execute collection campaigns by contacting customers having accounts that are past due and recording customer responses and payment promises
  • Record skip trace, bankruptcy, and legal information related to delinquent accounts
Siebel Finance Guide