Fundamentals > Common Record Tasks >

Deleting Records

You can delete a record by using the Delete button, the menu button in a list or form, the application-level menu, or the appropriate keyboard shortcut.

To delete a record using the Delete button

  1. Select the record you want to delete.

    In a list, the selected record is highlighted, and a blue border appears around the list or the form that contains the selected record.

  2. Click Delete.

    A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm the deletion.

  3. Click OK to delete the record.

To delete a record using the menu button

  1. Select the record you want to delete.

    In a list, the selected record is highlighted, and a blue border appears around the list or the form that contains the selected record.

  2. Click the menu button, and then click Delete Record.

    A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm the deletion.

  3. Click OK to delete the record.

To delete a record using the application-level menu

  1. Select the record you want to delete.

    In a list, the selected record is highlighted, and a blue border appears around the list or the form that contains the selected record.

  2. From the application-level menu, choose Edit > Delete Record.

    A dialog box appears, asking you to confirm the deletion.

  3. Click OK to delete the record.