Fundamentals > Using the Calendar >

Adding a To Do Activity to the To Do List

The To Do list appears in the Calendar screen to the right of each calendar view.

To Do activities have the following characteristics:

  • To Do activities are activities that have been marked as To Dos.
  • To Do activities carry forward every day until they are marked complete.
  • To Do activities do not appear in the Calendar itself.

To add a To Do

  1. Navigate to the Calendar screen.
  2. In the To Do list, click New.

    A blank row appears.

  3. Enter values in the Description and Due fields and step off the record.

    To add further information, drill down on the To Do by clicking the Description hyperlink.

TIP:   You can also add a new To Do item by creating an activity and selecting To Do and Activities from the Display In drop-down list.
