Global Deployment Guide > Configuring Global Applications >

The Localization Process

NOTE:  Localizing an application includes translating the user interface and modifying other attributes to meet locale-specific requirements. Siebel Systems recommends that you complete as much configuration as possible before you begin localizing the application. There are a number of reasons for this, for example, configuration potentially alters what needs to be translated, so it is better to have a stable application. Also, the check-in and check-out mechanism in Siebel Tools is meant to be performed in only one language so if you do localization on the client during configuration, there is a potential for data loss. The localization process uses the Locale Management Utility (LMU) in Siebel Tools. For information on the Locale Management Utility, see Siebel Tools Reference. LMU files are UTF-8 with Byte Order Markers (BOMs).

The localization process typically includes the following steps:

  1. Identify the applications or projects that you want to localize.
  2. Export strings and other localizable attributes using the Locale Management Utility.

    The LMU exports the objects to a flat file.

  3. Translate strings by modifying the flat file directly or by importing the file into a separate localization development environment, modifying the locale specific attributes, and then exporting the localization result to another flat file.
  4. Import modified string and modified object definitions into the repository using the LMU.
  5. If necessary, search for strings or locale specific attributes that have been modified since the last export, and update the string translation or attributes localization for these changes objects.
  6. Compile the modified projects into a repository file (SRF).
  7. Distribute the repository file to the appropriate Siebel servers and clients.
Global Deployment Guide