Global Deployment Guide > Configuring Global Applications > Configuring Bidirectional Capability >

Setting the Direction to Right-to-Left Mode on the Siebel Client

When you are configuring an application for bidirectional capability, you must set the direction to Right-to-Left mode on the Siebel Client. The tasks for performing this are described in the following section for the Siebel Mobile Web Client and Siebel Web Client.

  • Siebel Mobile Web Client. Add the following line to the [InfraObjMgr] section in the CFG file:


    NOTE:  If the [InfraObjMgr] section does not already exist, you must create it.

  • Siebel Web Client. Set UIDirectionality=RTL as a server parameter in the Object Manager. Start Srvrmgr and enter the following command:

    change param UIDirectionality=RTL for Server <Siebsrvr_Name>

Global Deployment Guide