Global Deployment Guide > Configuring Global Applications > Enabling Global Data >

Translating a Globally-Enabled Field

To translate a globally-enabled field (such as the Product Description field in the preceding sample procedure), complete these tasks in the order in which they appear:

  1. Expose the view that has the field you want to translate.

    In the preceding example, this view should already be exposed since Products is an object that is global-data ready.

  2. Navigate to the Product Administration screen.
  3. In the Products list, select a product that you want to translate.
  4. In the More Info form, click the Show drop-down list and select Translations.
  5. Enter the translated names and language codes for the product.

    NOTE:  To view sample configurations, complete Step 2 through Step 4 of the preceding procedure. You will need to select the product whose configuration you want to view in Step 3.

Global Deployment Guide