Global Deployment Guide > Planning Global Deployments >

About the Active Language

The active language for Siebel eBusiness Applications is determined by the following:

Siebel Server. For more information, see the Siebel Server Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. For deployment scenarios for installing multiple languages on Siebel servers, see Deployment Scenarios for Installing Multiple Languages on Siebel Servers.

Siebel Web Clients. The active language is determined by the language parameter of the object manager to which the Siebel Web Client is connected. For more information, see Siebel Web Client Administration Guide.

Siebel Mobile Web Clients and Siebel Dedicated Web Clients. The active language is determined by the language parameter in the configuration file. There are different configuration files for each language. They are located in a language-specific directory and have the Language parameter set appropriately. For example:

  • c:\siebel\bin\deu\uagent.cfg (configuration file with Language parameter set to DEU)
  • c:\siebel\bin\enu\uagent.cfg (configuration file with Language parameter set to ENU)

Users should not modify the Language parameter to change their active language. Rather, users should define the appropriate application configuration file for the language they want to run using the /c switch in the command line of the siebel.exe icon. For example, to run Call Center in German, you would define the following in the properties of the siebel.exe icon:

/c "C:\sea700\client\bin\DEU\uagent.cfg"

For more information on setting languages for the Siebel Mobile Web Client, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.

NOTE:  Siebel applications use Microsoft codes for Siebel language specifications. For information on Microsoft codes, see your Microsoft documentation.

Global Deployment Guide