Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld Guide > Working with Siebel Handheld Applications >

Components of the Siebel Handheld Interface

The components of the handheld interface include the Screens menu, Show drop-down list, application-level menu, Queries drop-down list, toolbar, and status bar.

Figure 2 shows the components of the Siebel Handheld application.

Figure 2.  Siebel Handheld Screen Components
Click for full size image

Screens Menu

The screens menu is the first level of navigation in the Siebel Handheld application. When you launch the Siebel Handheld application for the first time, this tab is labeled Screens unless you have configured a start up view to appear. When you tap the screens menu, a drop-down list of all available screens appears. Tap the desired screen in the list to navigate to it.

For information about configuring a start up view, see Setting User Preferences in the Siebel Handheld Application.

Show Drop-Down List

The Show drop-down list is the second level of navigation in the Siebel Handheld application. This is where you choose views for the selected screen.

Application-Level Menu

The application-level menu consists of the File, Edit, View, and Help menus. Tap a menu to select a menu option. The options that are available in each menu vary depending on the task you are performing.

Queries Drop-Down List

Up to two predefined queries, or business object filters are displayed in the Queries drop-down list. The list displays the query chosen when you synchronized (or the default filter if you did not change the Set Filters selection) and the All Records query, if it is defined. For more information, see Data Filtering.

Siebel Toolbar

The Siebel toolbar has buttons for frequently used functionality like record navigation and querying. You can configure your toolbar and specify which buttons are displayed. See Configuring User Interface Elements in Siebel Handheld.

  • Tap the New Record button to add a new record to the active list or form.
  • Tap the Back button to navigate to the previous view.
  • Tap the Forward button to navigate to the view you were in before you selected the Back button.
  • Tap the Record Navigation buttons to move through records in a form or a list.
  • Tap the New Query button to begin a new query in a form or a list.
  • Tap the Execute Query button to run the query you just created.
  • Tap the Maximize Minimize Applet button to expand the active applet so that it is the only applet displayed and takes up the entire screen display. This allows you to see more columns or more rows of data at one time. Tap again and the screen displays two applets.

Customizing the Toolbar

You can customize which buttons appear on your toolbar by selecting View > Customize Toolbar from the application menu.

To add and remove buttons from the toolbar, drag and drop the desired buttons between the Choose Toolbar Buttons dialog box and the toolbar.

Minimize Button

The Minimize button appears in the upper-right corner of your window. When you tap the Minimize button, the application minimizes, but does not close. To reopen the minimized application, from the Start menu, tap the Siebel Handheld icon. To close (exit) the application, choose File > Exit.

Do not confuse the Minimize button that appears in the upper right corner with the Maximize Minimize Applet button that appears on the Toolbar.

Status Bar

The status bar appears at the bottom of the application window. It provides information about the current view.

Siebel Consumer Goods Handheld Guide