Siebel Medical Handheld Guide > Deployment of Siebel Handheld > Process for Installing the Siebel Handheld Application >

Enabling Handheld User Database Backup

Siebel Systems provides a way to automatically back up a snapshot of the user's database and current settings, and to restore those settings in the event of a total device failure. The backup functionality automatically copies all the necessary files to a single compressed file. Each time the user backs up, the backup process creates a new copy of the file and deletes older backups. The backup process must close the application in order to copy the RDBMS and handheld configuration files. After the files are copied, it automatically restarts the application.

The backup feature must be enabled in the application. (For more information on enabling the backup feature, see Setting Up Database Backups.) If the backup feature is enabled, a backup is created during every synchronization. This way, the user retains an up-to-date snapshot of the database, and older backup versions are removed.

When the database backup feature is enabled, a database backup occurs automatically at the end of each synchronization. This makes the overall time to synchronize somewhat longer. The size of the database and the speed of the CompactFlash card also affect the time it takes to complete synchronization.

NOTE:  Backups should not be used as a replacement for synchronization.

Setting Up Database Backups

In order to back up the database:

  • Provide users with an external memory card.
  • Install the Siebel Handheld application with the backup functionality enabled.
  • Instruct users to back up their database on a regular basis.

Backing Up to External Media

It is recommended that you back up to external media—for example, a CompactFlash card.

Backing up data to a directory in memory is an option, if external media is not available on the handheld device. However, if the handheld device is damaged, the backup in memory may not be retrievable. Also, when backup data is stored in memory, the amount of memory available to run the application decreases, and application performance may suffer.

Editing the Database Backup Parameters

Before users can back up the database on their handheld devices, you must first enable the Backup menu item on the Siebel Handheld application. This requires editing the setup.ini file to enable backup.

The following is an example of the default settings for the backup parameters:

BackupLocation = \Storage Card\Siebel Backup
BackupEnabled = N

  • BackupEnabled = [Y/N] The default is N (No). Change this setting to Y (Yes) to enable the Backup menu item and to trigger a backup to occur automatically after each synchronization.

    If the product is installed with Backup = N, the backup menu item is disabled. You need to change the parameter, then reinstall the product in order to enable the menu item.

  • BackupLocation = [Backup location] The default is an external storage card. Specify the location where you want the data backed up. It is recommended that you do not back up to internal RAM because this may have a negative effect on the performance of the application. However, if you back up to RAM, then specify the directory location where you want the data backed up.

For more information on the setup.ini file, see Installing the Handheld Application.

Restoring from a Backup

For information on restoring a database from a backup, see Backing Up and Restoring Data with the Siebel Handheld Client.

Siebel Medical Handheld Guide