Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Deployment of Siebel Handheld >

Process of Server Installation for Siebel Handheld Direct Server Sync

The server components that are required for Siebel Handheld are installed when you install the Siebel server. See the Siebel Server installation guide for your operating system for details on installing and configuring Siebel server. The Siebel server installer copies the necessary DLLs to create an Object Manager for Direct Server Sync and creates and configures a Server Component and Component Group. The rest of this subsection describes which options you must select to correctly install the software, along with creating or configuring additional Object Managers.

This process includes the following tasks:

Installing the DSS Components Using the Siebel Server Installer

Install the Siebel server, following the instructions in the Siebel server installation guide for the operating system you are using. When you reach the Setup Type screen in the Installer wizard, you are presented with three installation options:

  • Typical. This setup option installs all Siebel server components except those displayed.
  • Compact. This setup option installs only those components necessary to run the Siebel server, but no additional components or help.
  • Custom. This setup option lets you customize your installation by choosing the specific components you want to install.

To install the Direct Server Sync components with your Siebel Server installation

  1. In the Setup Type screen, choose the Custom setting, and then click Next.

    NOTE:  At this screen, you may also choose a different directory for your Siebel server installation.

  2. Choose from the following components:
    • Object Manager Component
    • Handheld Synchronization
    • Siebel Data Quality Connector
    • Remote Search Support
    • Siebel Java Integrator

      The listed Custom Installation options are all selectable.

      NOTE:  You must enable Handheld Synchronization to enable Direct Server Sync for your DSS installation.

  3. Click Next.

    Continue with the installation in Siebel Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows: Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools.

The install wizard automatically installs and configures the DSS components. In addition, the installer creates a configuration file that includes the parameters necessary to properly run the DSS server components and the Business Component filters file.

Editing the DSS Object Manager Configuration File

You must edit the configuration (.cfg) file associated with the DSS server components that you installed and configured to reflect your company's environment.

To edit your configuration file

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory where the Siebel server is installed and locate the configuration file associated with the DSS server component. By default, this directory is C:\Siebel Root\ siebsrvr\BIN\ENU.

    NOTE:  By default, the name of the DSS Object Manager configuration file is phce.cfg, but you can change the name of this file.

  2. Create a backup copy of the configuration file and name it phce.cfg.bak.

    This step allows you to recover the original version of the file if you encounter errors.

  3. Open the configuration file using a text editor.
  4. Enter parameter values appropriate for your deployment.

    The following table shows the parameters in the .cfg file that may need to be edited to reflect your environment. All other parameters in this section should not require change.

Default Value

[Siebel] section


Siebel PharmaCE

The Siebel Handheld application. This value must match the name of the application as it is specified in Siebel Tools.


Siebel Pharma CE

The name of the Siebel Handheld application as shown on the Title bar on the browser. This parameter is only used if the Siebel Tools application developed for the handheld is run on the Web client.


Siebel Pharma CE

The Siebel Handheld application name as shown on the splash screen. This parameter is only used if the Siebel Tools application developed for the handheld is run on the Web client.


Required for Direct Server Sync, it is entered in the registry on the handheld device.

[PDA] section



The directory location for the user's synchronization files.



Name of the Siebel Mobile Web Client configuration file. If the parameter is not specified in the .cfg file, the default is siebel.cfg. This parameter is used by Siebel Handheld Sync to invoke Siebel Remote. It applies only when synchronizing using the Integrated Sync option.

  1. Save your changes.
  2. Restart the component or server.

Configuring Server Logging Levels

To set the logging level, two things need to be done. Logging level must be a number 0-5.

To configure server logging levels

  1. Log into Server Manager from a (m:\siebel\bin\w32ud) prompt.
  2. Run the following:

    change evtloglvl HandheldSyncLog=[LogLevel] for comp [OMName], where [LogLevel] = an integer between 1 - 5 (5 enables all logging) and [OMName] = the OM name (for example, <ApplicationName>CEObjMgr_enu).

Optimizing Server Process Management

Several parameters are outlined below that help optimize server processing for Direct Server Sync. To set these parameters, log into a Siebel client as a user with Administrative responsibility and navigate to Servers > Components > Component Parameters through the Screens menu. Select the SalesCE ObjManager (or the appropriate Siebel Handheld application) and update the following parameters to optimize threads per process. For further information and assistance, see Technical Note 405, Siebel Handheld Synchronization, and contact Siebel Expert Services about the Siebel Expert Services Handheld Review Package.

  • Max tasks. This parameter determines the maximum number of threads that can run concurrently for a given component. The value of this parameter should equal the maximum expected peak number of concurrent synchronizations.
  • Min MT servers. This parameter determines how many multithreaded server processes are started by default for the Siebel Object Manager.
  • Max MT Servers. This parameter defines the maximum number of processes supported by the instance of the Siebel Object Manager. The value for this parameter should be the same as Min MT servers and should be set so that threads per process (Max Tasks/Max MT Servers) is optimized.
Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide