Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Data Filtering > Filtering Data for Pick Applets >

Examples of Business Object Declarations

You can set the Default Business Object declarations in the Administration-Mobile > Application Adminitration > Settings screen, as described in the following examples.

The general format is as follows:

DefaultBusObjs22 = Opportunity | 3 | | Account | [Account Status] = "Active" | Action | [Start Date] >= Today () - 30 AND [Start Date] < Today () + 90

The example Default Business Object declaration results in an extraction of the Account and Action business components where they occur with visibility "3" using the business object filter indicated. They are not extracted in context of opportunities even though the Opportunity business object was identified. The business object filters are generally used only for extracting business components that do not correspond to any views or applets. Business object declarations identify specific business components within the business object to be extracted. The business object filters normally give a query based on the primary business component in the business object, but do not force extraction of any business components mentioned in the query, therefore, in order for a business component to be extracted from the business object it must be attached to an applet.

Note that there is no business object filter included in the example. A business object filter is only included when you want to force the use of a particular business object synchronization filter. See General and Default Business Object Filters for more information on business object synchronization filters.

In the following example, the declaration is used to extract all of the Price List Line Items that will display within the Orders screen.

DefaultBusObjs13= Order Entry (Sales)|0||Price List Item|

Note that this declaration lacks an associated business component statement. When this is the case, all of the records available to the user for the given visibility are extracted.

Another less common way to use the Default Business Object declarations is to set a single Handheld business object synchronization filter for the business objects that are synchronized.

Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide