Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Data Filtering >

General and Default Business Object Filters

There are two types of synchronization filters in Siebel Handheld—general and default filters.

  • General sync filters. Filters users select to specify the records users want downloaded to their Siebel Handheld application.
  • Default sync filters. Filters displayed by default the first time the user taps the Select Filters button on the Handheld Sync user interface or if the user synchronizes without first selecting a filter.

There is no naming convention for Siebel Handheld Business Object Filters. The default filter for a business object is indicated by checking the Default flag in the Administration-Mobile > Application Administration > Business Object Filters view.

An asterisk (*) preceding a filter name indicates the filter could be used for sync, if selected, and does not display in the query list in the application. For example, "*No_Accounts."

General filters appear in the Set Filters dialog when users synchronize their data and, if selected, in the Siebel Handheld application in the Queries drop-down list.

An example of a general filter name is My Big Opportunities.

Default filters appear in the Set Filters dialog when users synchronize their data and, if selected, in the Siebel Handheld application in the Queries drop-down list. Default filters with the asterisk (*) prefix only appear in the Set Filters dialog; this filter does not show up in the application.

There should only be one default query for each business object. An example of a default filter isDef_Current Activities

CAUTION:  Administrators must be sure to define a default filter for each business object in the Siebel Handheld application. If no filters are applied during the synchronization process, an unacceptably high volume of data will be downloaded to the handheld device.

Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide