Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide > Data Filtering >

Developing Data Filters for Handheld

The following general steps for are recommended for developing Handheld synchronization filters.

  • Identify the screens and views of your application. Then identify the business components that are required to support each screen and view, noting the areas where each business component occurs. For example, identify the form, list, or pick applets that are based on each business component.
  • Within Siebel Tools, establish the base parent-child relationships and any reverse relationships at the component level.
  • Review the business components that occur in picklists and consider creating default sync filter declarations for those that will cause large numbers of records to synchronize to the device. These declarations are created and maintained in the Mobile Administration screens.
  • For each business component, determine whether it is possible to apply a search specification to all instances of the business component within the Siebel Handheld application. Develop a set of suitable Query by Example (QBE) declarations in the Mobile Administration screens. Common examples of business components that are suitable for global QBEs include:
    • Employees (for large organizations)
    • Activities (for example, filter for current Activities, Activities of only certain kinds)
    • Accounts (for example, by geography)
    • Products (for example, active, orderable products)
    • Orders (for example, open, closed in last three months)
  • Create appropriate business object synchronization filters for each business object and make sure that each business object includes a default filter. Default filters make sure that users avoid accidental download of an excessive number of records.
Siebel Pharma Handheld Guide