Siebel Service Handheld Guide > Business Components and Classes >

Supported Business Components for Siebel Service Handheld

Table 25 lists the supported Business Components for Siebel Service Handheld.

Table 25.  Supported Siebel Service Handheld Business Components
Supported Business Components



Agreement Entitlement

Asset Mgmt - Asset

Asset Mgmt - Asset - Sub Components


Contact Note



Entitlement Account

FS Activity Parts Movement

FS Activity Parts Movement Admin

FS Activity Recommended Parts_Tools

FS Activity Step

FS Activity Entitlement Service Detail

FS Asset Measurement Characteristics

FS Asset Reading

FS Asset Warranty

FS Bucket

FS Bucket - Part Browser

FS Bucket Header - Part browser

FS Expense Item

FS Instruction

FS Inventory Location

FS Inventory Transaction

FS InvLoc Product

FS Invoice

FS Invoice Line Items

FS InvTxn Ledger Entry

FS PickList Inventory Txn Type

FS Product Inventory Category

FS Rate List Item

FS Service Detail Expense Bill Item

FS Service Detail Product Bill Item

FS Service Detail Time Bill Item

FS Substitute Part Bucket - Part Browser

FS Transaction Assets

FS Transaction Assets Alt

Internal Product

Order Entry - Line Items

Order Entry - Order Sales Items

Order Entry - Order Types

Order Entry - Orders

Price List

Price List Item


PS Rate List

Service Request

Time Sheet Daily Hours

Time Zone

Siebel Service Handheld Guide