Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Siebel Schema Installation on the DB2 Host > Performing a Standard Installation >

Performing a Standard Installation Under UNIX

Perform the following steps for a standard installation under UNIX.

To perform a standard installation under UNIX

  1. Navigate to $SIEBEL_HOME and source environment variables, using one of the following commands, depending on the type of shell you use:

    Korn or Bourne shell

    . ./

    TIP:   Make sure there is a space between the initial period and ./

    C shell

    source siebenv.csh


    $SIEBEL_HOME is the location of the Siebel Server root directory.

  2. Verify whether the values $SIEBEL_ROOT and LANGUAGE are correctly set or are empty by entering:


    If the variables are incorrect or missing, reset them using one of the following commands, as appropriate to the shell you use:

    Korn or Bourne shell

    SIEBEL_ROOT=New Value ; export SIEBEL_ROOT

    LANGUAGE=New Value; export LANGUAGE

    C shell

    setenv SIEBEL_ROOT New Value

    setenv LANGUAGE New Value

  3. Go to $SIEBEL_ROOT /bin and enter:


    This launches the Database Server configuration wizard.

  4. Review the values of the following environment variables and confirm whether the settings are correct by entering either Y or N.

    SIEBEL_ROOT = path of your Siebel installation directory

    LANGUAGE = language in which you are installing

    NOTE:  If either the SIEBEL_ROOT or LANGUAGE value is not set or is incorrect, you must correct them before proceeding.

  5. Verify and accept the default for the path of your Siebel Server root directory and press ENTER.
  6. Verify and accept the default for the path of your database server root directory and press ENTER.
  7. Select your RDBMS platform, in this case, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390.
  8. From the Siebel Database Operations prompt, select Install Database.
  9. From the Installation Operations prompt, select Install Database.
    • For installation of an additional database language (2), see Installing Multilingual Seed Data.
    • For installation instructions for Siebel Data Warehouse Database (3), see Siebel Data Warehouse Installation and Administration Guide.
  10. Enter the number corresponding to the language in which you want to run your database. (This is known as your base language.) If you are installing your first language, this is (1).
  11. On the ODBC Data Source Name screen, accept the default name of the ODBC data source, siebSrvr_siebel, or enter the database alias you prefer to use for the data source. This alias should have been previously registered within DB2 Connect, either by using the DB2 Client Configuration assistant or by natively registering to the DB2 Connect catalog, the Database, Node, and DCS entries.

    NOTE:  If you define database aliases, you must add the TXNISOLATION parameter to the database alias entry in the db2cli.ini file, and set it to have a value of 1. For information on setting values in the db2cli.ini file, refer to the relevant IBM documentation.

    If you want to work with information on a different database server than the one currently pointed to, you can type in the ODBC name of that database server, as long as you previously registered it as an ODBC data source within DB2 Connect.

    The Siebel Server installation process automatically creates the data source, using the format SiebSrvr_EnterpriseServerName.

  12. Specify the Database User Name.

    This is the ID allowed to log into the Siebel Database. This user ID should have authorization to set the CURRENT SQLID, for example, SADMIN.

  13. Enter the database password for the Database User Name from Step 12.
  14. Indicate the following values:
    • Specify the Siebel Schema Qualifier, for example, SIEBTO.

      This is the up to eight-character (all uppercase) identifier that designates the Siebel Schema. This is also an authorization ID. The Schema Qualifier must be in uppercase, must start with a letter, and cannot contain special characters.

    • Specify the Security Group ID / Grantee or accept the default (SSEROLE) by pressing ENTER.

      This is the group to whom schema access is being granted.

  15. Specify the type of installation you want to perform (in this case, 1):

    1 - Standard Install. The standard installation option installs the database using one of the Siebel-recommended default storage layouts.

    2 - Customized Install. For a customized installation, you will need to provide a storage control file, which you created and validated prior to performing this installation. This will allow you to create a custom database layout, best suited to your Siebel deployment. See Performing a Custom Installation for a description of the custom installation process.

  16. Enter the number corresponding to the mechanism you want to use for installation:

    1 - Generate DDL Into Files. Generates DDL required to create the Siebel Schema. Proceed to Step 17.

    You must later use Siebel-provided scripts, your own FTP, or a similar file transfer program to transport the DDL (schema.sql and ddlview.sql) to the DB2 host, where the DBA executes it, using customary methods, for example, SPUFI or DSNTEP2.

    2 - Run DDL automatically. Select this to apply the DDL and DML required to create the Siebel Schema directly against the database. The Siebel application uses ODBC to apply the required DDL to the DB2 host. Proceed to Step 20.

  17. On the DDL Commit Frequency screen, choose the number of DDL statements between issuing COMMITs.
  18. Enter the path to the output directory for the DDL files that you will transfer to your zSeries machine, or accept the default directory:


    NOTE:  If you plan to use a different output directory to hold the DDL than the Siebel default, you must create it before selecting this option.

  19. Enter the number that corresponds to the code page encoding scheme for your Siebel Database:

    1- ASCII

    2- EBCDIC

    For more information on choosing the database code page, see Choosing the Database CCSID.

  20. Enter the number corresponding to the Siebel Schema Layout you prefer:

    1 - Siebel Schema without Partitioning

    2 - Siebel Schema with Partitioning

    For details about layout considerations, see Configuring the Database Layout.

  21. Enter the name for the storage group for table spaces, or accept the default name, SYSDEFLT.

    The name used should be discussed with the DBA before you start the installation.

  22. Enter the name for the storage group for indexes, or accept the default name, SYSDEFLT.
  23. Enter the name for your 4-KB buffer pool, or accept the default BP1.
  24. Enter the name for your 16-KB buffer pool, or accept the default, BP16K1.
  25. Enter the name for your 32-KB buffer pool, or accept the default, BP32K1.
  26. Enter the name for your index buffer pool, or accept the default, BP2.

    NOTE:  These buffer pools should be activated and granted by the DBA prior to the installation.

  27. Enter the Database Name Prefix. The default is SIDB.

    This prefix consists of up to four of the first characters in the names of your logical Siebel Databases. This prefix must start with a letter and cannot contain any special characters.

  28. Indicate the directory where you want the log files to be generated.
  29. Review the values for accuracy.
    • If the values are correct, launch the Siebel Upgrade Wizard (srvrupgwiz) by entering Y.
    • To change your previous values enter N, and rerun the DB Server Configuration wizard by entering dbsrvr_config.ksh. This allows you to reconfigure with different values.

      This step completes the installation option to Run DDL Automatically.

      If in Step 16 you chose installation option, 1 - Generate DDL Into Files, the utility displays the following message after it generates the schema.sql file that contains the DDL to create the Siebel Schema:

      Pause #1: Please create Siebel Schema using schema.sql and ddlview.sql located in the Output Directory. Once the objects are created, please select Yes. To stop now and continue installation later please select No. (To resume at a later time, please start the Upgrade Wizard from the command line using option /m master_install_mf.ucf).

      The DDL is not executed at this time; it is simply generated to a file. (A message indicates that DDL is being executed; this message refers to execution of the generation of DDL statements and the process of writing the statements to a file.)

      NOTE:  If you need to rerun the Upgrade Wizard, you can do so from the command line by navigating to $SIEBEL_ROOT/bin and entering:
      srvrupgwiz /m master_install_mf.ucf. It restarts where you left off.

  30. Indicate the following:
    • Click No to discontinue Siebel Schema (schema.sql) and view (ddlview.sql) generation.

      When you click No, the Upgrade Wizard quits.

    • To continue, click Yes.

      NOTE:  When Siebel Schema generation is restarted, you will encounter errors during the installation from the restarted point. Disregard these errors and continue with the Siebel Schema creation.

  31. Transfer schema.sql and ddlview.sql to OS/390 and have your DBA apply them to create the Siebel Schema.

    For information on how the DBA applies the DDL on the DB2 host, see Applying DDL on the DB2 Host.

  32. If you performed a manual install, validate that all tables and indexes are present in the logical schema. For information, refer to the information in Preparing the Database Layout.
  33. Indicate which action you want to take:

    Pause #2: Please ensure that the schemvld.sql is empty (which means that Siebel Schema was created successfully). If so, please continue with the UDFs deployment: ftp the files to install UDF functions. (To resume, please start the Upgrade Wizard from the command line using the option /m master_install_mf.ucf).

    • Only if your DBA has already created the Siebel Schema, click Yes to populate it. (The execution of the DML does not require DBA authority.)

      CAUTION:  When you click Yes, it means you proceed to populate the schema with seed data, and do other manipulations on Siebel tables. The operation will fail if the Siebel Schema has not yet been created, because there is no schema to populate.

    • If you want to quit the DB Server Utility until your DBA has had an opportunity to create the Siebel Schema, click No. You can relaunch the wizard at any time to continue with this step.

When you have successfully completed the step of populating the seed data, you are ready to import the Siebel Repository.

TIP:   To preserve a record of the values you entered, locate and print the file named master_install_mf.ucf in the binary subdirectory of your Siebel Server installation directory.

The following files are generated by the installation into the default output directory (dbsrvr/db2390/dboutput/install) or into the output directory that you designated in Step 18.

  • instftp.bat. Use this batch file to run the Siebel-provided scripts, your own FTP, or a similar file transfer program to transport the DDL (schema.sql and ddlview.sql) to DB2.
  • instftp.txt. Use this file to transfer files to the mainframe.
  • jobinstl.txt. Contains JCL and REXX execs to execute the DDL.
Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390