Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390 > Maintenance Considerations for zSeries > About Cursor Close >

About Cursor Configuration Parameter Values

You can change cursor configuration parameters for Siebel clients in the following locations:

  • Application configuration (.cfg) files for the Siebel Dedicated Web Client and Siebel Mobile Web Client.
  • From the command line for the Siebel Web Client.

    Because the Siebel Web Client does not have an application configuration file, it uses the configuration parameter values specified for the Enterprise Server; these values are applied to all server components and the Web Client.

  • Application configuration (.cfg) file for Siebel Tools.
  • At the business component level in Siebel Tools.

For information on Siebel clients, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using. For more information on Siebel Tools, see the Using Siebel Tools guide.

Setting Cursor Configuration Parameter Values for the Siebel Web Client and Siebel Servers

For the Siebel Web Client, cursor close parameter values are set from the command line at the Siebel Enterprise Server level. As a result, you cannot set them separately for each class of users. You must set them to the same value for all users, typically 128.

For more information on modifying enterprise server parameters, see the Siebel System Administration Guide.

To set cursor configuration parameter values for the Siebel Web Client

  1. List the cursor configuration parameters to check their current value:
    1. From the command line in Windows or UNIX, navigate to the srvrmgr prompt.
    2. Enter the following:

    srvrmgr > list advanced param DSMaxCursorSize for named subsystem ServerDataSrc
    srvrmgr > list advanced param DSPreFetchSize for named subsystem ServerDataSrc

  2. Change the values of the cursor configuration parameters by entering the following from the command line:

    srvrmgr > change parameter DSMaxCursorSize=value for named subsystem ServerDataSrc
    srvrmgr > change parameter DSPreFetchSize=
    value for named subsystem ServerDataSrc

    where value is the new value you want to specify for the cursor configuration parameters.

    NOTE:  DSMaxCursorSize and DSPreFetchSize must be set to the same value.

  3. Stop and restart the Siebel Server for the changes to take effect.

Setting Cursor Configuration Parameter Values for the Siebel Dedicated Web Client

For the Siebel Dedicated Web Client, cursor configuration parameter values are set in application configuration files. They are set based on user classes. Table 17 lists the user classes and the recommended cursor configuration parameter values for each class.

Table 17.  User Classes and Recommended Cursor Close Parameter Values
User Class
Recommended Value

Siebel administrator

Accesses the system to perform system updates and might need to access large amounts of data.


Siebel application developer

Performs development and customization of the Siebel application using Siebel Tools.



Sporadically submits queries or executes operations returning a large number of rows. Special users cannot be effective if their queries are limited by the cursor configuration parameters.

Examples include:

  • No requery formulation is available to access the next set of data.
  • Operation requires the complete result set.
  • Data returned must be internally consistent. When a requery is issued, the returned data set might be changed because of other database activity.



Majority of users. Examples include call center agents and sales representatives.


For information on application configuration files, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

To set cursor configuration parameter values for the Siebel Dedicated Web Client

  1. Create a backup copy of the application configuration (.cfg) file.
  2. Open the original .cfg file in a text editor.
  3. Set the MaxCursorSize and PrefetchSize parameters in the [ServerDataSrc] section of the .cfg file.

NOTE:  MaxCursorSize and PreFetchSize must be set to identical values.

Setting Cursor Configuration Parameter Values for the Siebel Mobile Web Client

For the Siebel Mobile Web Client, cursor configuration parameter values are set in application configuration files. Determine the cursor configuration parameter values based on the usage and network access of the Siebel Mobile Web Client user:

  • For users who connect exclusively to the local database and update by synchronizing with the corporate Siebel Database Server, no cursor configuration values need to be set. These users do not have cursor configuration parameters in the [Local] sections of their .cfg files.
  • For users who access their local database and connect to the corporate Siebel Database Server, set values based on the type of user. See Table 17.

Siebel administrators must take special care with the training of Siebel Mobile Web Client users who access both their local database and the Siebel Database Server. This training must include explaining the difference in operation between the two platforms, setting appropriate expectations for receiving cursor close alerts when connected to the server database, and showing how to formulate requeries for common cursor close alert scenarios.

For information on application configuration files, see the Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using.

To set cursor configuration parameter values for the Siebel Mobile Web Client

  1. Create a backup copy of the application configuration file.
  2. Open the original .cfg file in a text editor.
  3. Set the MaxCursorSize and PrefetchSize parameters in the [ServerDataSrc] section of the .cfg file.

NOTE:  MaxCursorSize and PreFetchSize must be set to identical values.

Using Siebel Tools to Bypass the Number of Rows Returned

There may be cases in which you do not want to change the general limitation concerning the number of rows returned (default 128), but instead want to have unlimited number of rows available for certain operations.

To set this up, you would leave the parameters MaxCursorSize and PreFetchSize in the .cfg file set to the default number, or any other number, but use Siebel Tools to set the affected Business Components related to unrestricted operation to bypass the limitation.

To ignore the Cursor Close limitation, you would change the properties for parameters MaxCursorSize and PreFetchSize for these Business Component to -1.

Implementing Siebel eBusiness Applications on DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390