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Interactive Designer Application Architecture

In Advisor and browser-based Configurator applications, the engine runs on the browser rather than on the server, providing users with quick response time. Because trips to the server are reduced, there is no network latency.

Application data is stored in the Siebel database and Siebel File System. Unlike in server-based applications, in Advisor and browser-based Configurator applications, files needed for the application are statically published after the application data model and the user interface are developed. In some deployments, you need to take the additional step of moving your application files to a Web server where the browser can find them.

The data accessed from the Siebel business components is also statically published. You can use the Siebel Application Integration functions to dynamically access data in the business components. For more information about integrating your data, see Referencing Other Siebel Data from Interactive Designer and Siebel Interactive Designer API Reference.

Figure 1 illustrates Advisor and browser-based Configurator application architecture.

Figure 1.  Siebel Advisor and Browser-Based Configurator Application Architecture
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Figure 1 shows two types of deployment:

  • Siebel Web Client
  • Siebel Dedicated Web Client

Siebel Web Client Deployment

In Figure 1, the Siebel Web Client deployment path is marked 1. As you create your application in Interactive Designer, your data is saved in the Siebel database and Siebel File System. When you are finished creating your application and are ready to make it available to users, you need to deploy the run-time files to the Web server. You also need to modify the configuration file for the Siebel application you are using to point to the location of these files. For more information, see Deploying an Interactive Designer Project.

Siebel Dedicated Web Client Deployment

In Figure 1, the Siebel Dedicated Web Client deployment path is marked 2. In this setup, the Web client, Web server, and Siebel server are on the same machine. You work in Interactive Designer on the Dedicated Web Client. You save your data to the Siebel database and Siebel File System. When you are ready to deploy the application, you deploy your run-time files on the client. There is no need to update the Siebel configuration file in this scenario.

Global Deployment

When you are deploying your application for multiple languages, a Siebel server, Siebel Web server, and Siebel Web client are added to your setup for each language. All servers can reference the same Siebel Unicode database. You need to modify the Siebel configuration file for each language you are using to point to the location of the application files. For more information, see Deploying an Interactive Designer Project.

Figure 2 illustrates the global deployment architecture for an Advisor or browser-based Configurator application.

Figure 2.  Global Deployment Architecture
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Siebel Interactive Designer Administration Guide