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About Views in the Projects Screen

There are many views in the Projects screen for the standard Siebel Clinical application. Many implementations may choose to use only a subset of these views. Refer to Table 29 for a brief description of each of the views that are available in the Projects screen.

Table 29.  Views in the Projects Screen


Use this view to provide project visibility. Add the names of the project team members and also managers or executives who want visibility to monitor the progress of the project. The Access view has a similar function to the Team field in other screens.


This view lists activities associated with the project. Activities in this view may have been created manually or by project activity templates. Activities belonging to tasks do not appear in this view.

Depending on the mapping template used, activities may be tasks and summary tasks imported from Microsoft Project.

Activity Plans

Use this view to generate activities from project activity templates. Additional activities can be added manually to the activities already associated with an activity plan.


Attach project documents in this view. For general information about attachments, see Fundamentals.


This view shows a monthly calendar of the activities associated with the project. Activities belonging to tasks and standalone activities appear in this view. For general information about the calendar views, see Fundamentals.


Use this view to maintain a list of contacts associated with the project. Enter names of employees in subcontracting or partner organizations.

Financial Profile

Use this view to gain an overall perspective of a project's financial information, status, and progress. Use this view to change the Delivery status for the project (green, yellow, or red). For more information, see Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide.


Use this view to create invoices for time and expenses logged against a project. For more information, see Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide.


Use this view to keep private and public notes about the project. For general information about the Notes view, see Fundamentals.


Use this view to create a product or material order and associate it with the project. For more information, see Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide.

Organizational Analysis

This view displays an organizational chart of contacts, showing the relationships between them.


Use this view to maintain a list of partner accounts associated with the project.

Use this view to keep a list of accounts associated with the project, such as vendors who handle printing of the clinical trial materials or the shipping of sample drugs.

Because the Partners, Subcontractors, and Clinical Contacts views contain account information, depending on your business process, you may use one or more of these views to keep track of accounts associated with project.

Plan Integration

Use this view to exchange data between the Siebel Clinical project and Microsoft Project. For more information, see about Microsoft Project integration in Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide.


Use this view to maintain a list of the risks associated with the project and resolution activities required to address those risks.

Status Report

Use this view to create a status report summarizing the project's progress, forecast, and issues. For more information, see Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide.


Use this view to keep a list of subcontractors associated with the project. (See also Partners in this table.)


Use this view to create and modify tasks for the project. Depending on the mapping template used, tasks may be tasks and summary tasks imported from Microsoft Project.

Team Workbook

Use this view to assign team members to roles in the project. This can be done manually or it can be done automatically using Siebel Assignment Manager. Team members must be listed in the workbook before they can be assigned to activities.

Time & Expense

Use this view to adjust and summarize time sheets and expense reports associated with the project. For more information, see about time sheets and expense reporting in Siebel Professional Services Automation Guide.

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